Sep 21, 2009 12:58
So this is my last week of maternity leave. As I sit here and watch Hannah nap, I am thinking of our flexible together time we have had at home. I have taken naps with her, played with her and cuddled her any time I wanted to. I am curious about what school life with a baby will be like now. The other teachers at school have my back 100% and I know Hannah will not find a shortage of open arms and hugs, but I will never have maternity leave with my first born again. Surreal. Thank the Lord I can have her with me/on me every afternoon at school. Otherwise, I don't think I would be this calm about it all. I am so lucky not to have to worry about daycare and such. My baby.
She has slept through the night for a week now! Last night she slept for 11 hours. We have our routine down pretty well now, so we are not going to shake it since it's working! She still take her naps during the day, too. Ah, routines. However, with that comes being home at a reasonable time on the weekends. So, when we get together with friends/family we will be the early birds leaving first. What a strange concept--Mark and I have never played that role! We usually close out the party! : )