Oct 06, 2007 18:14
Living in the new apartment with Crispy and Bitch is sooooo much better than living in JP. Not that I minded my two (good) roommates, but the third was a douchetard, the apartment was dark and cramped, I didn't like JP, and the whole place was just associated with bad memories for me (tumor scare, being desperately poor and depressed...) The new apaaato has lots of light and space, I can play whatever the hell weird music I want to, we eat home-cooked meals every night and all work similar schedules.
Aaaah....very happy. But it's funny, because before this I felt like shit for so long that I don't trust the happiness. I'm trying not to wait for the other shoe to drop, but a part of me is so used to it that I feel tense because there's nothing to make me feel tense. Does that make sense?
We got a cat a couple weeks after moving in, and she's definitely been a WIP. She's a tiny, 7 year-old chocolate burmese. and at first she smelled to high heaven, had dandruff, a snaggle-tooth, and her whiskers were uneven. We took her to the vet to find out she has severe dental disease and herpes. They pulled out all but 3 of her teeth, and she seems much happier now. Granted, we still have to bathe her every couple of weeks cuz she starts to smell, and any time she manages to lick her own ass is a cause for celebration, but she's amazing and we love her.
In other news, me and J are fluffy, but sometimes I feel lonely. That's ok, because the newfound freedom I have is more than worth it.
Anywho, don't feel like typing anymore, so here are the quick and dirty updates:
1) Dad got married a month ago and didn't feel fit to tell me.
2) I'm slowly but surely becoming a complete and total hippie.
3) I'm trying desperately trying to get my finances in order, and that involves being a complete tight-wad, and cutting back on the impulse spending....
4) I've realized the one plus to gaining 30 lbs over the winter: I now have tits. They're not huge, but I appreciate them muchly.
K bye.