Megaplex 2005

Mar 17, 2005 10:53

Megaplex was great. I had a lot of fun meeting up with friends and fursuiting. My roomates were a lot of fun to hang with too. Thanks blazerraccoon, kimberfox, Neouka and Coffy123. You guys were awesome. It was also wonderful being with my mate Radjin again. Booking adjoining rooms was a pain but man with all the fun we had I’m almost tempted to do that again for next year. ;)

Our rooms seemed to end up being the fursuit party room at MP which was a hoot and some of the antics that went on leads me to believe that fursuiters are the nuttiest furs in fandom. Heh. It was great meeting up with jugularjaguar, latinvixen02, tiggycat, t_h_squirrel, Tilt, Cat, tonyringtail, Ronin Otter, bradhound, slyphox, Antimon, perro, darkwolph, nerfcoyote and everyone else who I saw at the con.

The short of it. Seaworld was right across the street and it was well worth the trip on Thursday. Funspot was a ton of fun even though there were less kids there for some reason this year. I thoroughly enjoyed the dances at the con. The funny thing is that Megaplex is a small con and I enjoy the dances there more so than any other con because they play music that’s fursuit friendly and it’s good music. Thanks to all the DJ’s at MP for that! Getting my new doggie fursuit was awesome. Thanks again latinvixen02. I still need a name for him though. Sheesh...I’m so terrible with names. Hey, Wipeout I need your help here. Radjin suited for the first time at MP. He was in both Growl and my new suit and I was very impressed. He's a natural ham in suit and I had a lot of fun anticing with him.

Oh, before I forget. Radjin has most of his pictures up for Megaplex. He will be posting mpegs when he has time and I still have to add my photo’s to his so make sure to check back down the road. His site is:

Okay, the rest of my con report is going to be done with pictures. Thanks to Radjin and everyone who took pictures for him while he was in suit. Now that I'm done my report I'm going to try to catch up reading a few of the 100's of posts I've missed...try being the word. ;)

Have a great day everyone!

Group Photo
Funspot 2005

- Getting ready to pounce the park -
Funspot 2005

Funspot 2005

Funspot 2005

Funspot 2005

Funspot 2005

Funspot 2005

Fursuit pranks.
Funspot 2005

My new fursuit! Thanks Latin Vixen! ^_^

Growl & Radjin
Megaplex Dance

Megaplex Dance

Who is this Masked Man?

Neouka gets punished for sleeping during a party! ;)

Uncle Kagi gets tanked at the party and thrown out.

Mmmm....Texas De Brazil.

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