Last Post For This Year

Dec 30, 2004 10:50

Just a quick update. I’m still around but I’ve burned out a bit on LJ and have been taking a bit of a break from it. I apologize to everyone who may have wondered where I went. Lets see, what’s been going on. I spent Christmas eve at Rory’s house with some of his friends and family which was nice. It was very kind of rorydedog to invite me over that night and it meant a lot to me.

Christmas day I spent alone but traveled up to Canada the following day to visit with my folks which was nice. Mom’s computer was all screwed up again and I spent some time fixing and upgrading it. I have no idea how she gets the settings in there so messed up each time. It’s almost comical.

On Monday I went with Mom to see Grandma in the hospital. It was sad to see her delirious and wasting away in the hospital bed. The situation has been very stressful on my mother who’s been practically living at the hospital trying to help take care of her for the last 3 months. I’m starting to hope that her end comes soon so she doesn’t have to suffer like that too much longer nor put my mother through too much more.

After a few hours at the hospital I left Mom and headed to neouka's place and spent a couple of days visiting with him which is always a treat. I also have plans in the works for a new fursuit which has Neo all green with envy. It’s been ages since my last one and I’ve decided it’s time to have another one. It should debut at Megaplex if all goes well. All I will say about it at this point is that it will be rolling on a few people there. ^.^

Well that’s about it. I hope everyone has a great New Years!
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