I think everyone on the bride's side is a little shocked that it happened. We all showed up, but that doesn't mean that we fully believed the wedding would go without an objection, or one of them getting cold feet, or just...something Gina Taylorish. I wasn't all that worried until I found her in the guest room, but I think I was too busy thinking
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She remembers. She remembers, but she still doesn't sound happy about it. Yeah, I might have to work some things to get that time frame going at some point.
"But how close to being ready are you?"
How do I answer that and make her feel better for now? Is that even possible? And while we're at it, should I bother?
Whatever, I'm in a good mood. This has been a good day for me. Sex in the limo, insulting the Carrot, getting to dance with my girlfriend, and everything else. I can just be honest with her.
"Close enough." I could make the leap. Because it's not that much of a leap. It's a good step, it's not something that's going to end in anyone's destruction.
So it's something I could deal with. I love her, and that's the end of it. We're already looking at forever anyway, if I have say in it, so why not?
"I think you probably worry about it more than you should. But we don't need to talk about it." We really don't. We can live with leaving it alone for a little while. Just not forever.
So if she wants to leave it alone for now, and just enjoy everything else, that's fine by me.
For now.
Close enough? Close enough to what? To doing this? This? The whole wedding with the bouquet and all the people thing? When he did decide he was ready for this?
I need to breathe. Breathe and think. And not worry. Breathe, think, and stay calm. I should be happy. At some point in the future, my boyfriend would like to marry me. If I was most women, I'd be thrilled right now. Especially with us still being young, and our life being settled into something good. This shouldn't be bad. It means he loves me.
And I need to understand that we're going to do it someday because I love him too. I can't imagine my life with anyone else. We have a family, and we're trying to add onto it. So maybe, at some point, I could get over my belief that marriage is terrifying, and we could do it.
Not all marriages end in divorce, right?
"I think you probably worry about it more than you should. But we don't need to talk about it."
I can live with that. I'm not ready now. I won't be for a while. There's no reason to be talking about it yet. And I probably do worry too much, but I can't help myself.
We have something good. I almost ruined it before, I don't want to do something to jeopardize what we have ever again.
Sam would understand that, right?
"Thank you." I nodded and leaned up to kiss him. "We'll..someday, you know?"
It'll happen someday. He'll make sure of that if he wants to.
"You're welcome." I leaned down the rest of the way and kissed back, moving an arm around her comfortably.
"We'll..someday, you know?"
"We will." I'll make sure that one happens. One way or the other. I might have to spring it on her when I finally decide to make it happen, but it'll happen.
I'm sure it'll be really interesting to make that work too. I'd just have to make sure I don't tell Arianna or Madsen I was planning on it before I do it, because they'd make me nervous as hell, and then it'd be all over.
"I'm not worried." Which means she shouldn't be worried either, because I'm the one that worries about everything in this relationship more often than not.
"You want to get out of here?" I think this isn't going to go on too much longer anyway. Most of the dancing's gone on already, all that's left is people getting drunk, or drunker.
So we could go, find something to do, maybe make a few more tries... It'd be a nice way to end the night. "I don't think Gina'll mind." Gina's thisclose to a make out session with her husband in his chair.
She's covered. I don't think she's going to be too bothered with us deciding to cut out.
Someday. We will someday. When I'm not as afraid of getting divorced and probably long after we have another baby, depending on how long it takes for us to get pregnant this time.
This experience has been a little strange to me, but I can't complain yet. With Julia, we didn't have to try. Part of the reason why we were so terrified was because we weren't expecting her. She just happened. And now, we're hoping for another one, and planning it a little. I never could have imagined us doing this.
So I guess I can assume that we'll get married in the next few years, because if we never planned on having a baby and now we're doing that, anything is possible for us.
We're just crazy enough to be up for anything at times.
"I'm not worried."
"Then I'm not going to worry either."
If Sam isn't worried, I'm not worried. He's the one who usually makes it his job to worry about us. I'll take his confidence to mean that we're doing something right this time.
Nevermind how that supports my own argument about not screwing any of it up with a wedding, we're letting that go for now.
I had a weird moment, but its over. Everything is back to normal. The only difference is, I'm holding a bridal bouquet.
A pretty one. I think I'll bring it home to Julia. She'd like seeing it, and then maybe I'll let the flowers dry. It would be a cute thing to send back to Gina on their first anniversary.
"You want to get out of here? I don't think Gina'll mind."
...I don't know how Gina expects to get away with not having kids when she practically acts like she's me in public.
I think its time for us to leave. We had a good time with the wedding, Daphne got told off by my boyfriend, and I have some pretty flowers to keep as souvenir. That's really more than you can ask for at one of these things.
"Yeah. Let's go back to the hotel."
We can take our favorite limo back and have some fun for a few hours. Our flight leaves tomorrow evening, and we'll be back in Los Angeles tomorrow night. I think we'll probably be too tired to do anything then, even with the flight, because of the time difference. So as far as leaving now goes, I'm all for it.
And maybe we can go one more round in the limo on the way to the hotel.
For someone who didn't like being in one, Sam warmed up to that thing pretty damn quite.
I like to think I had something to do with it.
"Sounds good to me." I saw Gina was coming up for air long enough to have another drink, and decided it'd be a good idea to at least let her know we were leaving. "Be right back."
I got over to them, and snapped my fingers at them to get their attention before they could start going at it again. "Hey. We're gonna go, alright?"
"What? Oh, yeah, sure. Go ahead. Thanks for coming."
"Yep. See you around, Sam. Great meeting you guys by the way, you're cool people."
"Thanks." I laughed and nodded to Dylan, then headed back to Carly. "And we're set." I got out the door with her, nodding to the few people who said goodbye to us on the way out.
She looks like she's doing a little better. And I'm more than capable of getting her to let it go the rest of the way.
"They're definitely going to work." It still freaks me out Gina managed to do it, and what's more, she did it before we did. It's weird, but I'm happy for her.
And when she does eventually get pregnant, Carly and I will get to have a nice freakin' long laugh over it.
We survived Gina's wedding after all. And we did it without committing manslaughter, which was a good possibility for a while there. I think Sam and I should be proud of ourselves for this one.
The crazy stewardess and psychotic former best friend didn't get the better of us. We reacted to the best of our abilitiy--without violence--and then let it go. That was good. It took a lot, at least on my part, but nothing bad happened.
We still have the flight home to tackle, but I believe that we're going to be okay. If we do happen to get the same stewardess, we'll jump off that bridge when we get there. For now, we're going to go back to our hotel and end the night in the most mutually pleasing ways we can think of.
"They're definitely going to work."
"I give it two years." I agreed while we walked out of there, and laughed at the look on Sam's face. "I mean, I give it two years until they have their own angrier version of Julia."
There's no way in hell Gina could raise a kid to be as sweet as ours. She is going to raise any and all of her kids to be as bitchy as their parents.
And if they have one soon enough, it would be funny if he or she ended up getting along with Julia, and our possible next one.
Like Carly and Gina version two, or something.
Yeah. I can see how that would be a little terrifying, but the world needs more people like us. We make it interesting. You can't live without us.
"Its inevitable."
That's me speaking from experience. There will be a Taylor/Lawson baby.
And Gina will bitch about it for the whole nine months, and probably an entire year after the birth if she turns down the drugs.
But I'd like to think she's a little smarter than that.
"I mean, I give it two years until they have their own angrier version of Julia."
Oh. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I don't doubt it." At all. And it'll be funny as hell. But now that I'm thinking about it, it'll probably be funnier for me. Gina will be calling Carly to bitch to her the second she finds out she's pregnant.
So yeah, it won't be as fun for Carly as it will be for me, but at least one of us will be getting some fun out of it.
"Its inevitable."
"What's really going to frighten the living hell out of me is if they have a boy." I laughed, and then actually thought about what I was saying, and stopped laughing. That's... Not funny. That's not funny at all.
I think I just scared the living hell out of myself.
"Nevermind." I went looking for the limo, and nodded to the driver. "Hey. Can you take us back to the hotel?"
"Sure thing sir."
"Thanks." I moved before he could get the door, and got it myself. "I got it." I smiled to him, and the smile he gave me back made me think I should get in the limo with my girlfriend a little faster.
I waited until Carly was in before getting in myself. "So. Weird day, huh?"
That is utterly terrifying. I just...why would he bring that up? I don't want to think about that. We had a good day. We shouldn't be thinking about that. The world feels crazy when I think about that, and I don't like feeling like this!
Thank you.
We're not going to get into all of the reasons why that one is wrong. We just have to know that it is, and hope for a girl. Gina and Dylan having a girl would really be the best thing for all of us, I swear.
"Hey. Can you take us back to the hotel?"
"Sure thing sir."
"I got it."
I should have given Sam lessons on limo etiquette before I let him get within fifty feet of one of these things. He's not supposed to do that. And the driving isn't going to like him doing that because he's used to it being his job. Sam is pretty much getting in the way of something he knows he's expected to do. It has to be a little frustrating for him, and the look just proves it.
I got in and moved over, sitting about halfway over on the seat, and waited for Sam to get in next to me.
"So. Weird day, huh?"
"Weird, but not bad."
We enjoyed ourselves. I'm a little worried about tomorrow, but I'll save it if I can. And when we get back to the hotel, I'm going to check my email and see if Dan sent me any pictures of Julia in her costume yet.
I want to see her in her little dress, damnit.
"I'm glad we came."
Except for the part where I missed our daughter in her little shoes.
And soon, we'll be back in Los Angeles, and Carly can get upset because we missed Julia in her costume even though there's going to be pictures.
And Arianna can swear up and down that they didn't watch Nightmare Before Christmas while humming 'Kindap Mr. Sandy Claws' under her breath.
And everything'll be back to normal. Or whatever the hell passes for normal in our lives.
"I'm glad we came."
"Me too." It was a good trip. I like New York. I'm not sure if it's more or less hellish than Los Angeles, but I like it. I think I'm just densensitized to how cities are. You live in one that's big enough for long enough, you can take just about any of them.
"You haven't been feeling different or anything, right?" I know it's early, but I have to check. We're trying, so if she is feeling anything, I'd like to know about it.
"Just checking."
The limo started to move, which meant the driver wasn't as pissy with me as he looked. I know I should have left it alone, but I couldn't help myself. I didn't like the idea of going in one to begin with until Carly made the ride a lot more enjoyable.
I'll never get used to that kind of thing completely, because it's not me. It wasn't me when I first saw her parents' freakin' huge house when I met her, and it isn't me now.
"Think we should call when we get back? See how they're doing?"
"No." I shook my head. "I'd tell you if I was."
"Just checking."
"I know." I smiled and gave Sam a kiss to let him see it was okay.
I don't mind him asking. With all the 'trying' we've been doing the past few days, I think its possible that I could be pregnant. But still, a few days are just that. A few. It would probably take me a little longer than that to notice if something was different with my body, just because that didn't really change me overnight with Julia either. It took me a while to realize what was happening. And even though I'd recognize the symptons this time, I don't think they'd start happening immediately.
I don't know. We'll find out sooner or later, but nothing has happened yet as far as I can tell.
When I notice something, Sam will be the first one to know. He shouldn't have any doubts on that one.
"Think we should call when we get back? See how they're doing?"
"Dan was going to email me today with some pictures of Julia. If we don't get anything, I think we should call them."
If that happened, we'd have a good reason to worry. Arianna and Dan are taking care of our daughter, on the first Halloween that she sort of understands, and there's candy involved. Not hearing from them would give us the right to check in, even if we just did it last night, too.
Its not that I don't trust either of them, I just worry. Especially because Julia is a pyrokinetic, and Arianna, as good a slayer as she may be, couldn't exactly fight that one very well.
But if they gave Julia her way the entire week, I'm sure it went fine.
"And I want to yell if he didn't send them. I've been looking forward to seeing her in her costume for weeks."
Don't try to stop me on that one, Sam. Its not going to happen.
I want the cute fairy pictures, damnit.
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