Sep 27, 2003 23:44
Theres a ring-tailed possum who lives around here somewhere who I think is quite mad. I was in the garden at night yesterday, and I spied him across the lawn. Not wanting to scare it off, I made kissy faces at it and beaconed it over, and to my surprise it trotted over like a cat. Then it bit me on the foot and tried to climb me. I ran away and told Ig, who laughed and went outside to look. When he saw it he made kissy faces and beaconed it over. It trotted over, and bit him on the foot. He ran away and it gave chase. We gave it an apple.
Saw the family this afternoon for lunch. The event was my Nonnas birthday, and it was nice to see everyone (well.. most everyone). Went back to mums place after lunch and hung about there for a while. It's a damn nice house in a really lovely area. I think I made the wrong choice when I decided to move away from mum. I still wanna move out alone though. Or with someone I wouldn't mind sharing with. Any offers (I'm tidy... honest)?