On September 19th, in a spectacular setting full of people we love and objects made by them...
paddlepaws and I were married, leaving us grinning from ear to ear.
And the sun shone down on us in that picture perfect moment we will relive everyday.
Ok, gush, gush, mush, mush, but I can't help it. Ecstatic joy at every turn. I promise, links to the photo albums will be forthcoming as soon as I get my head above water.
Special love and thanks to all who attended and all who lent their energies to us on our day and on everyday of our lives. My mother and grandmother who just came out of nowhere and those on LJ,
figetmonster for the fabulous flower arrangements and loaning out
gaelen as a last minute babysitter during our honeymoon when birth family let us down and to them both for the cool-down party on Saturday,
fuzcat for her photos,
lensman for "hiccup" mead! and
roaming for her continuing fabulousness. It was truly a magical weekend. I am eternally greatful that my chosen and birth families were able to hit it off so well even if there was that "penis" incident with my grandmother and the one who shall always be known as nakedboi!!!