Email from TEM guy

Apr 04, 2010 22:19

Some of the more often-used instruments at Cornell have associated mailing lists so that users are up-to-date on maintenance and other issues. The person who maintains the TEM (tunneling electron microscope) sends the most wonderful emails. Here is one that I got yesterday.


I will not be in Monday, my wife hurt her back and needs me for assistance. Remember to Coral [i.e. sign in so that your time is logged and the proper account billed], keep the labs clean and mind Mr Thomas, Mr Hunt and Yuanming.

Speaking of the Twin…please delete all you images before I get to them. I was really surprised to find the hard drive filled on Thursday. >From now on, on the first of the month, I will personally, with no remorse or malice delete all images on the support PC. Another thing, please be careful with the camera, there is a really nice burn mark in the middle of the camera, it is almost gone but heck we warned you guys not to do that.

Speaking of the other scopes, you still have to record your time in the log book just in case there are any issues with Coral, I am really in favor of keeping a written log for the Spirit, The F will always have a written log.

On Tuesday I will be doing an ancient TEM protocol called shadow casting, it is kind of like alchemy but the results work. We will be replicating Salmonella, hoping to see the flagella better. Anyone is welcome, bring a wizards hat for effect.

Again, see you on Tuesday I will be around, but my wife does need help.

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