
Sep 01, 2010 18:07

Stolen from olgameisterfunk because my last post was too ramble-filled and I have another meme she tagged me on.

Let's get to me, shall we?

Hi, my name is: Hannah, Lushy, or Grouply depending on who's talking.
Never in my life have I been: Kissed in a romantic way. Which is very strange, when you look at how pervy I can be...
The one person who can drive me nuts is: My 'father' and my biological father. They both fall in the same category.
When I’m nervous: I keep my hands clasped/grab my wrist/rubs my scars etc. or keep my eyes averted.
The last song I listened to was: Just Like A Pill by Pink.
If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor: stella_di_morte AND olgameisterfunk. What? I like weird weddings...
My hair is: Brown, shoulder-length, with bangs, and completely annoying.
When I was 5: I got my first china tea set and we celebrated my b-day at Burger King....I was quite fond of their slushies, I recall.
Last Christmas: I got an acoustic guitar. WEEEEEEE! But I still don't know how to play. BOOOOOO!
You know I like you when: I'm able to ramble on about whatever with you (when I know you), or stick close with you until some sort of conversation can be brought up (when I don't know you).
You know I don't like you when: I smile politely and try to get away quickly (real life), or when I just stop talking to you save when impolite (online).
Take my advice: Just because they say you can't doesn't mean it's true. Stand up and fight; whether it's for your right to survive, for your right to be yourself, for your friend, for anything. Do it. It's hard, harder than you can ever imagine, but it's worth it in the end.
The thing I want to buy: A graphic editor or a new Muse CD. Or a Muse poster.
If you visited the place I was born: Fallbrook, CA? Nah. It's pretty, but not much. But then again, I was only there for five or so years and haven't been back since. God only knows what they did to the place.
I plan to visit: Anywhere in the UK. Been my dream since I was seven, when my mom would talk to me about her trips down there. Is it any wonder my favorite band is Muse, my favorite sci-fi show Doctor Who, and my favorite musical Phantom of the Opera?
If you spent the night at my house: My mother would freak out.
The world could do without: Crazy people at the Discovery Channel building.
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: Of importance? Earrings. Because I could? Gum.
Most recent thing someone else bought me: Lunch. Fun tiemzzzzz.
Last night I was: Reading teen!fic and sobbing my eyes out. Damn that cuteness! DAMN IT TO HECK!
There’s this girl I know who: Is kinda of, sort of brilliant and yet I have no clue why she's paying attention to me. Or, frankly, why any of them are. But I love them for it.
If I was an animal I’d be: A black cat named Merlin. ;)


if you’ve been tagged, you must write your answers in your own lj and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Tag eleven people. Don’t refuse to do that. Don’t tag who tagged you.

I was tagged by Olga on this one. My flist is rather small, however, so I'm just going to tag everyone on it, eh?

→What song are you currently addicted to?
Uh...toughy. Currently? I'd say Exo-Politics by Muse, Just Like a Pill by Pink, and Auto-Destruct by Warp 11.

→ What's your favorite season?
Agreeing with Olga and saying AUTUMN. And not just because of Halloween or my birthday! The most misunderstood season of all yet, by far, the prettiest and most important.

→ What’s the latest movie you watched?
Juno. Quite adorably awkward, by the by. I loved it.

→ What is the one skill you wish you had?
I wish I was more organised. It would make things so much easier, y'know?

→ What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Actually? I have a lot. But I'm focusing on Muse and Star Trek at the moment.

→ What's your favorite musical instrument?
Guitar or Ocarina.

→ What Web sites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, Twitter, ZQ Sucks (on tumblr), AIM (when I can), a few writing sites. (And I'd like to interrupt this to say that Olga just replied to my previous post saying it was hilarious to see it pop up on her f-list....I wonder what she'll think of this?)

→ What was the last thing you bought?
*points above*

→ If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Be a stickler and save it for when I go to college. XD Despite military paying for both my college and living fees, I'd rather have a hand in my future.

→ Most awesome book ever?
Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux or Offspring by Liam Jackson.

→ What's the last thing that made you happy?

→ Do you want to learn another language?
Yes. In fact, I'll be learning Spanish this year. I'll also be trying to learn some French and Vulcan by next Summer. Yay goals.

Aaaand that's it. Dinner time and then I have to go out. Yay!

random, mmmbells, doublerainbowallthewayohmygod, memes

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