:thwack thwack clunk:

Dec 08, 2008 22:58

Me: i want chips
Me: or
Me: ummm
Me: i don know
Me: u
Me: n
Me: wings
Me: i want wings
Me: no
Me: gah what am i pregnant?
Me: i want pickles
Me: get me pickles
Bobby: you're always like that
Me: pleaseeeee
Bobby: we've already established there's no chance of me leaving my warm room with all these tissue boxes to go cross the frozen tundra
Me: but
Me: i want pickles
Bobby: you need help
Me: well duhhh
Me: i have cakes
Me: i like cakes
Bobby: who doesn't
Me: but i really want pickles
Me: across the street is still open
Me: brb
10:45 PM
Me: i got pickles
Bobby: yay
Me: you have no idea
10:50 PM
Me: fuck
Me: i cant open then
Bobby: lol
Me: no
Me: not lol
Bobby: irony for ya
Me: very unlol
Me: im banging the jar with a flashlight
Bobby: you don't have like a jar opener or something?
Me: ....jar opeer?
Me: noooo
Me: what am i 80?
Bobby: I meant like the one you use with your hand, that's what I use
Me: wow
Me: bobby, i can see your vagina from here
Bobby: right, I should just bang on the lid with a flashlight like it says in the bible
Me: GOT IT!!!!!
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