Author: Rhiannon -
Summary: Who really runs the still on Atlantis?
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG
Characters: Carson Beckett, Radek Zelenka
Pairing: none
Genre: Humor, Character Study, Drabble
Warning: references to alcohol use
Timeline: General Season 2, no spoilers
Disclaimer: Don’t own, never will. *sigh*
Author's Note: Actually a double drabble. A random thought that popped into my head that I pounded out in about 20 minutes, including getting it exactly 200 words long.
Posted to icaw, carsonlovers, grouphug_carson, atlantisfic, ancientsarchive, and my personal LJ, rhian_morwenna.
Everyone thought Radek ran the still on Atlantis. Carson smiled at that thought as he ate a Belgian chocolate. A mechanical engineer running a still? Distilling was a delicate process of chemical and biological reactions. One best handled by someone with experience distilling medications from plants. Carson was experimenting with herbs the Athosians used as medications, some of which made nice flavorings. Ethyl alcohol has legitimate medical purposes after all. Besides, “rot gut” was a term for the alcohol medical students drank which had previously been used to preserve cadavers. All too appropriate.
Radek was an excellent dealer. He took his payment in alcohol and some in the goods that people traded. Carson knew that Radek couldn’t steal from him. While Carson was still scared to death of some Ancient technology after nearly two years in the Pegasus Galaxy, he had no problems with using doors. Since the gene therapy didn’t take in Radek, the locked room where the still was located was perfectly safe.
The whole arrangement worked out perfectly. No one would suspect him of actually running the still, and Radek couldn’t reveal it’s location since he didn’t know where it was. Yes, it was the perfect arrangement.