Tapering fingers curled around acorns.

Nov 23, 2007 22:32

One of my all time favorite quotes is:

"If 10,000 people follow a stupid idea, it's still a stupid idea."

I don't remember who said it, but I remember seeing it on aomething my mom had when I was young. I just thought of it again during a discussion with one of my housemates about scientology and the book Dianetics. He doesn't believe in it either, but for some reason he's the type of person who's always playing devil's advocate. And his point was that it used to be a money-making scheme made up by L. Ron just to line his sci-fi, space age polymer pant pockets with some mazuma (you know,boodle. Legal tender. Coinage. Roll. I'm talkin about bread and butter.) but now with lots of honest Joes and Janes out there actually believing it, it makes it in some way real. And my response was, no, it doesn't.

Everyone on the whole planet could believe that we have inside us the souls of an alien species who were tragically all thrown into a volcano which is in turn stopping us from becoming our pure selves (i.e. "clear"). Everyone on the whole planet could believe in that for all I care. My response would still be, "then you're all a bunch of stupid idiots, then."

That's laike saying that if every human on the planet stopped believing in gravity, then the orbits of the planets would fuck up and the earth would just spiral out into the void of space. The fabric of space doesn't give a shit what we think, it's still going to do what it wants.

The human mind is capable of some outrageously amazing things, I'll grant you. But total unwavering belief in something by everyone on the planet doesn't simply make it true. Just look at all the dumbasses who thought the world was flat. Do you think it REALLY WAS flat until it was proven that it was spherical then IT BECAME spherical? Come on!

The point is, L. Ron once was qouted saying "If you want to make a million dollars, start a religion". Or something to that effect. The man was out for one thing: cash. Fake is fake is fake is fake is fake. Period.
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