Name: Haruno Sakura
Age: 17, oh good timing
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Green, and she has TWO!
Height: idk?
Weight: idk
Bloodtype: O
Medical info: Healthy as a healthy thing. What else could you expect from a medic-nin, eh?
Physical Traits: The most terrifying, house-wrecking, mountain-crumbling, ground-splitting (lol) strength ever, and she'll use it too, if you're an idiot. Or Deidara. Or you're Deidara BEING an idiot. Beaten only by her super awesome idol, Tsunade-shishou. ♥
What's Okay to Mention: That she's a hag. Come on, I DARE you to do it! 8D Basically anything is fine.
(What's Not Okay to Mention:) That her boobs are small and her forehead is large. Unless you want hand-made surgery on your nose. ^^
Notes For the Psychics: Goes like this: work work work, investigate, work work, train, work work, oooo research!, work, Naruto, Sasuke, get stronger, stupid sensei always LATE, work, work, BOOKS EEE, work, work, Deidara looks so sexy with his shirt off--NO DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!!, work, work, teaaaa tiiiime~, work, shishou, work, train, weapons ♥, work, I need a better bra, work, SLEEP. The end.
Hugging/Kissing/Nicknaming: Yes, and she might do it to you as well!/ Er, depends?/ THIS IS ONLY HIDAN'S PRIVILEDGE...and sometimes Neji. Sort of. And if you're gonna do it, she begs you to be more creative.
Maiming/Killing/Death: As long as neither is godmodded and I'm asked before hand, yes.
Other facts: Give her tea and she's your bff. For life. :D And never question why she's Neji's roommate. Seriously, don't.