Halloween Story 2010

Oct 31, 2010 13:26

It comes Halloween 2010 and it strikes me I have not written a story. So I got to thinking about a story and decided why not just take another object from the box and tell it's story. I have told stories of a few items from the box before. Not every object has as good a story as some of the others but every item has a story. So I went to the spot where the box is hidden. I opened it up and quickly decided I now hate the box.

A lot of items in the box have existed far longer then they should. The only reason the story exists at all is I will not let it go. So for your amusement I have taken the box and layed out the objects. This will be there last day of existence. There are a few items that are more substantial they will be put into scrap piles. There are a few items that are to cool they will be used and there are a couple items that will service just because I think they should. The box will be reduced to a few items. This will put a large limit on my remaining stories.

We will see what the future brings. For now I present to you the box of items and stories.

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