[ Sakura's not quite ready to admit he's "okay," but she's still miffed because of the stupid dream. Talk to her later about him and she might be more charitable. Much later. ]
Hello, Okuzaki-kun. I'm Haruno Sakura, from Konoha.
[ A different Konoha from this Konoha, it appears, but still Konoha. ]
Nice to meet you, Haruno-san. [ Akira's the type to get a bit mumbly and shifty when he meets new people, the truth being he's not very socially acclimated. At least Sakura is closer to his age, like Naruto, which makes him feel a bit-- wait - waitasecond!]
Say, you wouldn't be that idiot's classmate, would you?
I-it's okay. It's just a dream. We've all been having them lately.
Sakura ignores Akira's response for hours. It's nothing personal - she's just so mortified by what she'd dreamed that she can't look at anyone.
When she finally does show her face, her disgruntlement and embarrassment is clear in her expression. ]
You bet he is.
[ Akira gives a decisive nod. ]
She thinks she likes this kid. He's certainly helping to diffuse the awkwardness of... everything. ]
You've met Kakashi-sensei before? What's your name?
[ Better than okay, really, and there's a gentleness and respect that comes when he talks about Kakashi. ]
I'm Okuzaki Akira. I'm not from your world, but I live in Konoha now.
Hello, Okuzaki-kun. I'm Haruno Sakura, from Konoha.
[ A different Konoha from this Konoha, it appears, but still Konoha. ]
Say, you wouldn't be that idiot's classmate, would you?
[ Three guesses on who that idiot is. ]
[ Sakura knows quite a few, after all. ]
Like I give a crap.
Naruto. Yes, he's my teammate. You've met him, too?
[ Sakura's tone is a little quieter. She keeps hearing about him, but where is he? (Why isn't he home?) ]
[ Said with that fierceness of someone who feels strongly about someone. Naruto's definitely made an impression. ]
He has no manners!
Ah, no, he doesn't.
Man, life must be rough. A pervert teacher and an idiot classmate...
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