Dec 09, 2009 23:27
At some point over the last weekend, I recall trying to decide what relationship my kids would be to the various relatives were were visiting. I'm probably getting this wrong, and I'm sure I'll be told if I am.
(1) I'm pretty certain that for Barbara and Dot then they are great aunts but I seem to get told off for using the great. By that token, Malcolm is a great uncle.
(2) I think that my cousins (actually first cousins), Alan, Sue, Andrew and Nicola are then first cousin once removed.
(3) That will also be the relation between Ian and I, and our cousins children.
(4) And Joe and Alex are second cousins to Amy, Graham, Alfie Joe and (with apologies to Dot / Alan) my other FCOR who's name completely escapes me.
I'm guessing sticking with cousin and forgetting removes, seconds and the staircase is going to be the best bet!
You know, it's amazing what I'll find more interesting that boiler feed pump exhaust pipework redesign or technical review for the interstital guide tube!