Nov 25, 2009 23:10
First off, the medical bulletin. For reasons that are not entirely clear, Alex has been grumpy and out of sorts all day. This may be a result of his (and our) disturbed night last night - I wouldn't recommend napping on the floor when the heating has gone off for those of an ageing disposition. Hopefully he'll sleep better tonight, and be sufficiently recovered to go to Busy Bees tomorrow. Joe has been fine since Monday night, so I'm confident he'll be fit for school in the morning.
I had my chat with the consultant this afternoon. He appears to be pretty happy with the way things are going, although it is still too early to say if the DLI has started to move the chimerism in the right direction (I'm sure I've wibbled about this before, but if not remind me and I'll fill in the blanks). Anyway, I can now drop the anti-viral, and replace the nebulised antibiotic with tablets. I'll find remembering to take those three days a week a pain (been there before) but the pentamadine was horrible so I'll be glad to see the back of that.
And I've got mugged with the swine flu jab. I thought it was all going too well, but apparently they are putting those of us who are relatively well through it, so I got mine this afternoon (after the usual NHS delay). Second batch in 3 weeks - aren't I lucky. I'm waiting for the painful arm to kick in, which I've been warned about and Ju suffered from. I did ask about seasonal flu but that isn't advised so that's for next year.
On the car front, the garage are now negotiating with the warranty company as this is a used car. I'll be ringing them again on Friday to make sure this has been cleared up as I'd like my car back before the end of next week (fixed, of course), and to ensure that they appreciate that I won't be paying for it. regardless of the warranty position, both the engine and the CD player faults were there when the car was sold, so they can fix them!
That should be it for tonight - quite tired as there's been more tidying of house and garage to make space for the new furniture (this Saturday) and visitors (next Saturday). I wonder if we should go and get suitably grown-up duvet covers for the spare room, or if matching Thomas covers would be OK!
Toodle pip