Jul 21, 2005 16:46
Wow, everything went really well! and now I have a great, cute baby girl to take care of! She is sooooooooooo cute!
For those who would like to know, my labour was for 13 hours from when the doctor broke my water and the hardest part was waiting for the anesthsiologist for the epidural at 5 cm. The pain was bareable but I don't think I could have pushed without it. Thanks to the drugs, I got an hour's sleep and things went great! No tears, or tears, no nothing....Dad stayed with mom all the way though and he was the best! I don't think I could of done it without him!
Kassandra Talia Piggins was born Saturday July 16, 2005 at 7:25 am at the Royal Victoria hospital in Montreal.
The bets are on for green/hazel eyes and being tall. She's got daddy's feet, and mommy's nose and ears, curly dark hair, and a huge appitite. She sleeps like dad, a herd of elephants in a china shop couldn't wake her! Bar none, the cutest little angel.
-pause 4:50pm-
Sorry about that, someone got really hungry and unfortunately I have yet to master the art of typing and breastfeeding at the same time!!! Well, she keeps me busy and smiling and giggling and laughing and I think I can go on for ever!
Everyone keeps asking if I will ever do it again, my answer is yes, I want a second at least...with the chance of me having twins being 90% who knows what will happen the next time! I can't say that my experience has turned me away from another. I now know what people mean by when they say they had an easy pregnancy and love the feeling of being pregnant! When the next one will be, probablly in the next two years or so, just enough time between them....
Pics soon to come! If someone can help me find a place to host them....anyone??? Help please!