So here I am on the eve of my departure procrastinating on packing by making a long overdue LJ update.
Departure, you say? I'm off to Kauai for 10 days bright and early tomorrow! We leave the house at 7 A.M. and get back ~9:00 P.M. on Wed 6/21. Traveling babysitter = free vacations :) And though I'll be on the sunny shores of Hawaii the whole time, there will be little children that I have to make sure don't drown. Please, please don't drown.
A much needed vacation after this ridiculous quarter (which was quite enjoyable) and the coming summer. I tried to make this a relaxing quarter to spend with friends, but it seems that I'm bad at that. SO, here's what's up for the summer:
- Summer Stretch bio TA: same as the last two summers.
- Entomology lab co-TA: woooo, Joe and I get to play with bugs! And they're paying me!
- H.A.N.D.: So my class and I started this club at UW to help end homelessness of which I am president. Lofty goal, I know. Join Homeless Advocates for New Directions! We won't spam you (in fact, I've yet to send an e-mail to the club so far...), time commitment is minimal, and you can really help make a difference. Seriously. Oh, and if you don't want to join but want to buy a cool t-shirt that says "Homelessness sucks. Do something about it." with our ridiculously cool logo that I designed, then let me know! Will be setting prices and stuff soon.
- Fruit fly research: I've really been slacking here... time to uh, pick up that slack.
- Nannying: still living in Montlake and nannying. Parker's a little brat at 2.5 years old, but it's to be expected. And he's really cute. Bryce is becoming more bratty, and I feel like throwing his GameCube out the window. That is also, probably, to be expected.
- LEARN TO DRIVE. Good lord. This is a goal every summer, but this is probably my last summer in WA.
- TRAIN TRIP TO CA: Let's ride the train to CA in September! I'm going as far as L.A. then staying with Jake and hopefully driving down to San Diego for a short visit with Jerry and Ravi.
And that's going to be my busy summer. Please please PLEASE let's hang out at some point or some time! I'm up for lunches, weekend trips, whatever as long as I'm not hungover in class the next day. Like I drink anyway.