Aug 31, 2010 10:49
My wonderful Aunt Kathy took Nicholas and I down to marion to do some shopping and have lunch. I made sure I wrote up a list and I got everything I wanted on it. Including Dragon Quest 7.
Its a good game and I'm liking it the more I play it. Took me awhile to figure out I had to make my party members but its been good up to now.
We also got some new toys for Nicholas and a play mat. Plus I got a padded change mat for him with raised sides so he can't roll off.
He's been trying to reach for things and wants to taste everything. He's also been cooing alot and trying to make words but seems he hasn't quite figured out how to do it.
He got to see Jayson on Skype and seemed to like what he saw.
The gf is about the same but tends to ignore me, which is fine.
This weekend is my birthday and I'm going to take myself and Nicholas to the Show, it'll be my first time in 2 yrs and Nicholas' first time and I think Kaia is coming with us.
I have ordered shopping and I have a Child and Youth Health nurse coming. And the weather is nice out atm. Our dog Tori wants me to play with her outside.
And I think I need to vaccum in my room again.