Mar 05, 2007 23:00
Wow jazz festival is finally over. We had to practice so much. It was maddening.
I got a dog. His name is Frodo Poochie Poover Cinnamon Sugar Cookie Robinson It. Hahaha don't ask.
And we made ice cream in chemistry the other day.
And had a really fun day on the half day on Thursday. Hooray for bike tires!
And Disciple Now was this weekend and it was so awesome. I met a lot of cool people. And Ryan is SO cool, and of course Wayne and his band, espcially Frodo, who is very short but very cute. And short.
Hmmmm... some people are very hot. Hehehehehehe.
您是瘋狂的。 < I totally know what that means. No lie. And I can pronounce it too.
Ain't no party like the holy ghost party...
We had our trip meeting for NY tonight.... I can't wait it's gonna be so cool.
I love pizza.