Thanks, Thanksgiving.

Nov 23, 2006 20:02

We had Thanksgiving dinner at Nana's, like always. It was nice seeing everyone again. Dinner was nice; I had lots of turkey and many a roll. Also, I drove there and back again (...a hobbit's tale...). It was pretty intense too. I had to drive Dad's old truck which is made of feces. The whole time I was driving, Brennan laughed for no reason whatsoever. Everything went smooth though, except my apparent knack for not slowing down in curves, which could be potentially hazardous. That and I rode dangerously close to a guard rail once. Driving at night is like a dragon that has red wings and talons! But other than that it's cake my friend.
Curse you green peppers. You're so tempting and so regrettable.
And curse you, unreliable speedometer. You make me look at you and then you're just foolin'.
Too bad you're old and inprecise. Otherwise I'd use you all the time. Instead I just look at you to see if I'm generally correct, because I'm obligated to check.
Find the allusion.
For Christmas I asked for a Wii. Brennan and the rest of the fam's going to the big Lexington tomorrow, including Fayette Mall, which is suicide I tell you. Plain suicide. They asked me to go, but I humbly refused. Who in their right mind? I would've gone, but man that's a lot of fam.
Instead I think I'll hang at the homestead, or go place.
Sleeping is a gateway drug to being awake again. Being awake is swimming around in a lake of the undead, and the undead are like a bunch of friends that demand constant attention.
Trü dat, TMBG.


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