Jul 22, 2008 12:50
Warning: There is the distinct possibility that everything in this entry will make me sound, well, insane. That's alright. I know I'm at least a little bit on the crazy side. And, no, I don't care.
I've met a guy who I feel quite sure I have known in a past life. Most likely in the 60s. When I saw him on my TV, I was immediately drawn to him. Over the past year and a half that I have known him, I've come to find out we have quite a bit in common, including an obsession with the Beatles and a fascination with the 1960s. Now, we could just have these things in common because we are both Libras, but I have a feeling we have known each other before now. I've also recently begun to feel that perhaps this young man is my soul mate. I know for a fact that in this lifetime, we are not meant to be together. Our lives are too different right now. I'm just keeping the faith that in the next life, we will get it right.
What has changed my opinion from "We knew each other then," to "He's my soul mate," you might be wondering. Well, on Sunday night I saw him for what will probably be the last time. He told me he loved me. I know he didn't mean it in the romantic way. Believe me, I am fully aware that there is no way in heaven or earth this guy would be remotely romantically interested in me. But when he told me that, it triggered something very deep within my soul.
I know in my heart that our paths will not cross again in this lifetime. It's just something I've got to accept and try to move past the depression and heart ache and get back to my life as it is now. I'll just have to wait until next time........