2016 US Election Thoughts

Oct 18, 2016 13:48

Since I can't speak my mind on Facebook without dozens of people jumping on me - I'll try my old friend LJ. :)

Trump is an idiot. I've never liked him. He's "a fake and phony and I wish I'd never laid eyes on" him.

He's an incredibly ill-informed narcissist and is willing to destroy the country if he doesn't win. He's also an old-school misogynist. Not that this is unusual but it makes me like him much, much less.

Clinton is also a narcissist. She's also an elitist and thinks she knows better than "everyone" what should be done. And she appears willing to do just about anything to get her way.

Johnson is weak and seems a bit too insulated from the outer world. The rest - don't matter in the scheme of things. Nobody to vote for in this election. Absolute insanity.

No matter who wins - we lose.
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