Krakow, Poland

Oct 24, 2005 18:01

Today I got back to Budapest from my weekend trip to Krakow. The city was beautiful and full of churches, and Auchwitz made me disgusted with humanity. Apparently it's the 3rd most Catholic country in the world and Krakow is the hometown of the last Pope (ironically one of my roommates was in Rome this past weekend).

I seem to leave a wake of stoned Hungarians in my path. Mi a fasc van?

Joel (Australia), Tom (New Zealand), Savio (Brazil), and yours truly after the first of two 11 hour train rides.

Wawl Castle with some most excellent cathedral lighting.

Poped-out graffiti lets you know you're in Catholic country, biotch.

Auchwitz. Enough said.

Hol van a jo fu? A jo fu itt van.
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