Feb 04, 2005 16:25
I stayed after today fro the Pima testy thingy. It wasn't that bad. I statred to freak out over the math section. Man that part sucked...other than that it was easy. NOw I can hopefully tke MEdStart next year. Zach might be taking it too. I better get into the class. I have 3 and a hlf freespots...so I want to take more classes than I need. Yeppie...I guess. One more year, but I don't want to leave. Beau feels the same.He doesn't want to leave when he is a senior. What would I do after that? College. Yeah. Anywho, my week has been fine. We started our trial in Cirzan's today. I kinda enjoyed that. I liked watching...the trial and the "guy". Sad. I am on the jury team. NOt too bad. I only almost evey class I have this year. Except 1st and 5th. Those are kinda boring. 4th hour has been fun lately. Wenesday night was fun. I like going. Tonight I am going to a birthday party. Yeah, just I haven't got him his gift yet...he'll live until he gets it. HE wants a Nickleback cd, so I am getting it like I said I would which means ordering it. How have I been doing? NO complaint right now about anything. I think me and my friends are doing better. My grades are good. Romance is the same, but I am kinda talking to HIM now...LOL. Gosh...he is too cute. Well g2g look for my bus. BYe byez.