Aug 03, 2005 20:32
Today was the first day of school. What a disappointment. I don't ride the same bus as Celeste or Ashley. I don't really know anyone on my bus. I have American History AP first period with Armstrong. I know a lot of the people from previous classes. Plus Ashley and Patrick are in there. He cut all of his hair off. I told him he was still cute though. Then I have Wilcox for Honors English and Celeste is in my class, for now. From that point on I wasted my day alternating between the office and wandering around the campus with a girl I met in my English class. I saw tons of people today. They all seem to have great summers and are unhappy to be back in school. I think I am a little bit too. I spent the whole bus ride home thinking of "There is A Light That Never Goes Out". I came home and called Pete cause I missed seeing him on the bus. I don't think he cared very much. He told me to call him back and let him know how I am but I don't think he really wants me to.
I hope tomorrow is better.
Then we went to Best Buy to get a new TV and I saw the most amazing Cannon SLR there for $199. I couldn't get it though.