Sperm, Eggs, and You

Mar 21, 2005 23:56

So a random thought popped into my brain.

So you know how if none of your dad's sperm had met with your mom's egg you wouldn't exist.
Consider now that one of the other sperms had merged. Does half of you exist? Same egg involved.

This made me wonder, "How many sperm are there in the average ejaculation?"
The wonders of the internet. I searched, and thru the previews of a few Male Infertility sites found that somewhere between 200-400 MILLION is average!!!!!

So your mom provided 1 possibility for half of you and you dad gave up 300,000,000. WOW!!! That's 300,000,000 times as many!

I also found another interesting site of averages involving such things.

So there you go! Happy Tuesday!

p.s. Sorry if I made anyone uncofortable thinking about their parents junk.
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