Feeling like....

Jul 28, 2004 22:53

Myself....or at least what I am thining is myself.

My constant complaint about being tired still stands. I have even taken to napping, and am still tired enoughto sleep a full night. But so far the side effects that I have had as a result of the meds are tiredness, weakness, neausea, and shakiness. It has been steadily improving in intensity, and in exchange I have been more alert, more active, more able to follow through on things. I am not avoiding hanging out with people anymore and have even begun spending more time with other people. And I get excited about both the going to the gym and going to weight watchers. I feel cheerful. It's WIERD!!!!!

I am about a week from going to Vegas and seeing my husband which is always a good thing. We're looking at buying a house in about 6 months. A home of our own is something we haven't really had in our marriage. I sit at work while doing nothing and think about how I would decorate a home. What things I would put where, which pieces of furniture I would replace.

Maybe it's stupid. I don't know. I don't think I ever thought my biggest dream in life would be to have a home of my own. I never really thought that I was the home-maker type. Growing up, I dreamed about the exciting career I would have, the travel I would do. I have a good job, and travel frequently. But all I want is to make a nice home and have my husband around more often.

At least I am seeing what I want, which is more clarity than I have had in a long time.
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