Jan 18, 2005 16:41
I'm at work after hours waiting for my husband to call and pick me up. The car has been in the shop all day. Water pump gone, radiator leak. No heat. Too cold for that. Leave it to us to find a way to get it fixed when we have absolutely no money.
I can't start to think about the coming winter or I will go insane. My gas bill is already over a hundred bucks a month and my husband wants to quit his job cos it's like studio 54 there. Must not obsess. I've been through way worse times than this. That's what the bottle bill is for.
The band is doing fantastic, we're starting to get offers for all kinds of shows, and possibly tours, but I will believe that when I see it. My favorite comments about my personal performance from the last show were (from Drunk guy)"You should shake your hair more, I like it when you shake your hair" and (record co. guy) "You are like if Patti Smith joined the B52's". I will take that as a compliment seeing as I love both. We are doing a radio show friday night on WCHC, look out college kids!
Winter sucks, no time to do stuff except yesterday, I cleaned the house but I missed a rehearsal. Too much stressing over the car, and I am getting clumsy - bad sign.
ok, that's enough, gotta get my scarf, hat, gloves, sweater and coat on and face the cold air. seeya!