Aug 01, 2007 15:58
Man it's been a ick two days.
Yesterday my computer suddenly crapped out displaying a screen that said "Can not find hard drive" my reaction was as such 'What do you MEAN "can't find hard drive" *points* hard drive right there!' so I tried turning the compy off and back on only to find that the hard drive was in fact making a lovely little ticking sound (for those that have not had problems with this area of a computer a hard drive should not be making any noise, at all) So I shut it down and waited to see what the computer expert I, thankfully, married had to say about it.
His reaction 'What do you MEAN "can't find hard drive" *points* hard drive right there! Why the hell is the hard drive ticking!?!' So I called my brother the one who built his own computer his reaction was more a long the lines of "What do you MEAN it's ticking?! Hard drives don't tick!" to which I said "Yeah I know!"
The general consensus turned out to be that the hard drive was in fact crap to start with and was fried. So we went out to but not only a new one but also to replace the broken interface cable (the big flat taffy looking cable that attaches the hard drive to the mother board) the cable alone, which you can only get at Best Buy, was $25 and the smallest and more inexpensive hard drive we could find was nearly $80. So now we have 160 gig (it was that of 300gig) of hard drive space because under that amount is obsolete.
So now I have a really fast computer with all the memory in the world and no files left, no pictures, no music, no text files NOTHING! :( So if you have anything that we might not have saved here can you let me know and email it *sigh*
Ok longest rant ever Day Two...
I have a migraine to the tenth degree that seems to be triggered by my glasses but because of my crap habit of leaving my contacts in over night my eyes have been going nuts and burning. Any way Kevin told me just to call out from work because I never do and I just can't drive safely it shouldn't be a big deal. My boss freaked out on me telling me they don't have anyone else on the front end, being as I don't schedual people and I know for a fact there are two more people there I don't see how that's my problem. He kept telling me Oh it's not a big deal you'll get over it can't you just take some meds? No because I'm out. Well are you going to the dr? No I can't drive. I'm sorry but what kind of FUCKING DICK is he that he just told me to get over it and come in any way. To bad for him Kevin wont let me and if they have issues with that they can talk to him.
So that's my ick and now I have to go and download everything again *sigh*