
May 24, 2005 14:20

This morning was quite hectic. After waking up to an empty side of the bed, I puttered aimlessly for a while before finally deciding to try to go back to bed - and ended up tossing and turning and sleeping fitfully for another hour and a half. Got up and got ready for work. Ten minutes out of the house, I realized that I hadn't done a complete nosecount and that I didn't remember putting Emma to bed...back to the house I went. Emma's little nose peeked sleepily out of a sweatshirt sleeve in the cage, everyone was accounted for, and I was back in the car, on my way to SFW for doughnuts, coffee and filters for the morning meeting. Screamed into the office with my sugary load and proceeded to spend the next quarter-hour trying to set up the conference room with a woman that had no clue about technology (this is coming from someone with barely more than a clue, so it was pretty bad). Plus, we needed to use a laptop that the owner was loath to surrender...so the meeting started late, ran late and generally ended up being redundant and pointless, since 86% of it was stuff that we will never do anyway. Moving on...

Things I want to do tonight: find and kill Nagaz in WoW. Level to 37 if possible. Whee!
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