Check the date, darlin' - that was three days ago. You need not flatter yourself. Yes, I could have done better, but it's not worth that much effort. Furthermore, as I mentioned, I deleted the comment - as you've done with mine - so I had to "seek out" your journal to reply. "Seek out," of course, being the hugely time-consuming task of clicking on a single link.
"What makes you think I care if you think the picture is a joke? What makes you think anyone gives a damn about your opinion?" Because you took the time to type out a long rebuttal in answer? Therefore and ergo, you obviously gave enough of a damn not only to respond... Uh, nope, still wrong. I DO NOT give a damn for your opinion, then or now. I DO NOT care if you think the picture is a total joke, then or now. The reason I replied and posted is because I am curious as to why you thought I cared. I do not care what you think about the post. I would like to know why you felt it necessary to reply, that's all.
Grad students are, surprisingly, real people too. We use words like moronic and idiotic (did you have to look up "asinine" in the dictionary?). Freud said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," and sometimes a moron is just a moron. I could insult you using big words, or even foreign languages, but what's the point if you wouldn't understand it? The purpose of communication, including the written word, is to convey an idea. I would fail to communicate effectively if I used too many polysyllabic words and you got too many paper cuts from flipping through your dictionary.
You are correct that "trolling" is consistent flaming and antagonism. However: 1)You are continuing..., and 2) I only said "playing troll for a day," making no allusion that you might always be a troll or actually do it on a repeated basis.
I used to be a soldier - an artillery officer before medically disqualified from service. Now I'm a grad student doing a master's degree in economics.
Congratulations on being a "recovering Baptist." I myself am a recovering Episcopal, so at least in that respect we can sympathize with each other. Fortunately, I can say that I never subscribed to the right-wing propaganda...but I never subscribed to the left-wing Democrats, either. I'm honestly more middle of the road than you might suspect, and make most of my political choices based on the economic policies of the candidates, since that's the one area I feel qualified to judge someone else. And as a dismal scientist, I have found that, on aggregate, the Republicans have better, more sound economic policies.
Thank you for your support of the troops. Although I may not be in anymore, I can assure you we do value the care and support we (they) receive from the population.
"What makes you think I care if you think the picture is a joke? What makes you think anyone gives a damn about your opinion?" Because you took the time to type out a long rebuttal in answer? Therefore and ergo, you obviously gave enough of a damn not only to respond... Uh, nope, still wrong. I DO NOT give a damn for your opinion, then or now. I DO NOT care if you think the picture is a total joke, then or now. The reason I replied and posted is because I am curious as to why you thought I cared. I do not care what you think about the post. I would like to know why you felt it necessary to reply, that's all.
Grad students are, surprisingly, real people too. We use words like moronic and idiotic (did you have to look up "asinine" in the dictionary?). Freud said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," and sometimes a moron is just a moron. I could insult you using big words, or even foreign languages, but what's the point if you wouldn't understand it? The purpose of communication, including the written word, is to convey an idea. I would fail to communicate effectively if I used too many polysyllabic words and you got too many paper cuts from flipping through your dictionary.
You are correct that "trolling" is consistent flaming and antagonism. However: 1)You are continuing..., and 2) I only said "playing troll for a day," making no allusion that you might always be a troll or actually do it on a repeated basis.
I used to be a soldier - an artillery officer before medically disqualified from service. Now I'm a grad student doing a master's degree in economics.
Congratulations on being a "recovering Baptist." I myself am a recovering Episcopal, so at least in that respect we can sympathize with each other. Fortunately, I can say that I never subscribed to the right-wing propaganda...but I never subscribed to the left-wing Democrats, either. I'm honestly more middle of the road than you might suspect, and make most of my political choices based on the economic policies of the candidates, since that's the one area I feel qualified to judge someone else. And as a dismal scientist, I have found that, on aggregate, the Republicans have better, more sound economic policies.
Thank you for your support of the troops. Although I may not be in anymore, I can assure you we do value the care and support we (they) receive from the population.
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