Nov 02, 2006 21:54
I set a new record of amazingness today. I got a D, on a paper. I never get D's on papers, though to be fair I don't think most teachers read my papers they just weigh them and think to themselves, *self this paper has a lot of words, and when I read them they look like they mention the subject, give this kid a good grade. And they do. This teacher wrote a ton on my paper, good and bad. I even got the following quote "This is a hard call for me, the writing is good and clean but...." there was stuff after the but, point being I wrote well, just not about the right stuff I guess. Oh well, I'm actually kinda happy about it, most of the time I feel that teachers don't read what I write, so if having my paper read means I get a D with lots of interesting comments I'm down. I'm not here for grades anyway, which is good, all things considered.
Enough of that rant, I just broke down and watched Saw. I wasn't overly impressed, but then again I'm not a fan of the whole genre. I gave into peer pressure I guess *shrug*.
Back to my regularly scheduled life in which nothing happens, except when it does. Happy Friday All.