I'm not telling you.
There are two weeks until the remarkably highly anticipated sophomore cross country season. I say "remarkably" because the excitement factor over the course of two months has traveled like a sonic wave throughout the class of 2008 members of the team so that it is no longer just myself, but several of us librarianing for this. Because librarians work their damned asses off. It makes me feel all warm and sweaty inside, really. Replace the minimum wage with the self-satisfaction, and you get me and a group of college kids wondering what the hell they're doing.
But the key point is feeling prepared. There is not a more comforting feeling than readiness. Asif and I, post-workout, were considering this at the gym. I'd like to note that the shape I am in right now is the greatest example of preparation there is, so let's take a look:
Check out that six-pack, and those biceps. You're jealous; I can feel it. I librarianed my ass off for that body, even if it is a bit like a ninja turtle without the ninja, without the turtle, and with an undersized shell.
But as I was saying, Asif and I were talking at the gym, and he took me into the bathroom and asked me to show him my abs. Without hesitation I whipped off the shirt. It looks a lot better having just finished 300 crunches and 100 pushups (actually 105, because I loved them so much I had to do five more). Here's a picture taken of the scene:
There should be toilets in the background, but I wanted you to get the full effect of my self-absorption. But enough about that. The point is, we're winning the damn conference again.
In other news, a few weeks ago our library director retired, and the new one is a workaholic. She gives good compliments, but she doesn't let up. She needs to relax and stop librarianing so damn much. It's a library, after all. Anyway, I worked alone with her on Saturday, which I was afraid of because she'll tell me stories of her previous jobs and the student workers there who were much better than I am, just to point out my inadequacies and make me feel small. Because this is how it is when she's talking to Asif and me, drawn to emotional scale:
But working with her Saturday was fine. She was pleasant to talk to, gave me enough breaks, and let me have my say as to what I think needs to be done in the library. She's going to make positive changes, even if she annoys me in the process. Soon I'll be working late nights and I'll almost never see her and her paper-white hippie hair, though.
Also: my fan oscillates when I don't tell it not to say shit anymore.
Also: I'm shaving and getting my haircut this week. I hate how these pictures of me come out - who's taking these things?
Now I believe I will go running (minimum 7 miles, maximum 14, depending on my knees) and then eat pasta for dinner. Pasta is wonderful. Thanks to
andshewalkedon for bringing me to the sellers of the pasta and for her undying support and love in this momentous process, as well as for her help in getting these damn pictures to load.
You are cheap, easy, efficient, and tasty. And carb-saturated for my enthusiastic, energizing, and enterprising needs. And other words that begin with 2.71818
Hey look it's a grokaloper! What's a grokaloper? If you waste your time asking, you'll miss it! Damn!