My fan is right next to me, and sometimes I just get up and bust out some dance moves with it. I bet you wish you could be a fly on my wall, and learn some slick moves like this:
The other day, while I was walking to work, a man and his son were walking in the opposite direction. Apparently the son was a prospective student and they were touring the campus on their own without the silly tour guides. Good move. Anyway, the father stopped me. He then proceeded to literally inteview me about the school. He asked about two dozen questions. Not an irascible fellow, I was happy to give my input. But the reason I tell this story is that I answered the questions so well, so confidently, and without hesitation, that the man seemed thoroughly impressed with both me and the school by the end of the conversation. He (and I) seemed genuinely surprised that I ended up doing most of the talking, and his "thank you" was a grateful one. I was very pleased with myself - it made me feel good not just to help, but to know that I spoke confidently and effectively for such a long period of time and felt comfortable doing it. Interestingly but perhaps not surprisingly, the indifferent boy said nothing, asked no questions, and barely made eye contact with me. I'm proud of myself for that. And to top it off, they later came into the library, where Priscilla (cleverly recognizing that they were touring by their deer-in-headlights look that I also noticed) asked them if she could answer any questions for them, and the man unabashedly replied, "No, that one already answered all of my questions," nodding at me. I couldn't help but smile. I've come a long way.
Then I moved books. Like every day. For interested parties, here is the process of the shelving of a library book:
But despite that, when I really get down to thinking about the job and all of the injustice and the fact that for my skills and talents and my sheer assiduousness, I am utterly underpaid, I am really lucky to work there and have that job with those people. My coworkers are generally good (especially the summer staff of Asif and Courtney) and my bosses are great - fun to talk to, easy to get along with, and they set you up to succeed, never to fail. They make it easy to ask them questions (which I do decidedly often) and they don't freak out about mistakes. Additionally, they are flexible and they greatly appreciate work ethic, and that is where I shine. And their sense of humor is refreshing. I am very comfortable working there, and the job itself and all of its little successes on a day-to-day basis has made me an exceptionally more confident person. It and they have helped me a great deal to get over most of my social fears. It's really an exciting thing, and it makes me happy to put the work in that I do. So here's to Nick and Mike and others for being a huge and consistent support for a person who has needed a supportive surrounding on a regular basis. I'm lucky in that everything fell into place for me to get that job, and that they noticed and found me. Although, when it comes to applications and interviews, I know I stand out. I have applied for two jobs in my life and got both of them, and have been offered (and I declined) several others.
Also, tomorrow is Subway day, so after work Seth (my summer roommate) and I will go to Subway for the last time together. "Eat fucking fresh, Timmy" he'll say. I'll probably get one of these:
Other random notes:
2. Random shout-out: If you're reading this, you rock!!@!@!@!
Time to go running and do some pushups and crunches. Then bedtime.