Jul 21, 2011 19:45
As of recent, I've been feeling more and more down. Not in a bad way. I know my life is moving in a positive direction, just an odd phase i guess. I hate to describe in this way, but almost emo :P I've been really getting back into rock music, a lot of the stuff I listened to in high school like Avenged Sevenfold and System of a Down. I feel part of this mess was caused by that LA trip 2 weeks back. That trip is still bugging me a lot. The initial drive to Oregon was OK, but long, the LA drive the week after was stupid. Ended up being 6 hours longer than it usually takes and that really put me off on the whole long roadtrip aspect of things. I think one of the big things for me is who I travel with. I'm in no way saying any of my friends suck or anything, it's just some are better to roadtrip with. This time, I'll be hashing out solid plans for the Oregon trip to avoid any major problems. CFT has turned from eager anticipation to a worry/annoyance. Trying to figure out how to not spend a fortune, get rides worked out, not be the only one bringing gear for everyone (though that's prob gonna happen anyways).
I'm supposed to be hosting a few happenings for CFT. 2 of which might cost me dearly. supposed to be hosting a tail making deal and a tri tip lab. I already know the tritip lab will prob cost me $50-$60. The tail making deal, I have scrap fur but nothing enough to make a tail with. Other fur stock, I have a ton of but most of that I bought and was planning to make suits with. The Photography 101 panel is easy enough and I wanna do a scavenger hunt, which is easy enough to set up. Brainstorming ideas for that, I wanna incorporate compass usage, map usage, GPS usage, and communications radio usage (maybe a foxhunt aspect too), basically incorporate some navigation/survival concepts for people to use and or learn in a fun and engaging way. Also not looking forward to that long drive.
Fursuit work is continuing slowly. About to start a commission project and slowly fixing up/fortifying Doppler. I recently discovered that doppler's ear supports were not as strong as I had hoped and are slowly failing. I've been constantly trying to find a way of reinforcing them. I've also developed a short in the EL system and the way I designed the head makes it hard to access any of the connections. On the bright side, my friend Fennicus is designing a new tail pattern for me for a new EPIC roo tail. Gonna be real fun dealing with elevators now with a huge tail and ears. Also fixed Doppler's drooping muzzle so he looks happier/derpier now rather than slow/retarded :P
Another big thing for me is I feel like I'm distancing myself from my original fox fursona. I'm growing more and more fond of roos and am considering ditching the fox as my species. At the same time, I sorta wanna ditch all my mistakes, history, and reputation in the fandom with my Groggy but at the same time, I value everything I've been through and appreciate it.
That's it for now I guess, off to dinner.