Blasphemy, Chapter 19 ~ New Edition

Apr 28, 2013 00:00

Title: Blasphemy
Author: groffiction/Azriel, Yu’s Bitch
Rating: NC17, depending on the chapter
Fandom: Cinema Bizarre AU, MCR, LAM, Abaddon, & Adommy
Pairings: *blinks and mutters - read*
Disclaimer: Don’t own anyone but my brainchildren. Do not sue, I am as poor as a church mouse.
Summary: For Full Summary, see chapter 1. Sabine and Alex finally square off.
Warnings/Notes: Angsty, eventual sex between boys, vampirism, blood play, gore, mayhem, bondage, mentions of previous torture, abuse, and rape, but highly glossed over. Also, in my story, Cinema Bizarre is still a thriving band with Luminor in it. (Sequel to Dark End Corner, Adommy is in this story)

Chapter 19: A Stolen Kiss and More

Black Cat
entrance me,
devour me

The storm outside is raging still
there's no escape,
the one that kills

oh little girl,
the time has come
we think and move
exist as one
Sabine crossed her arms over her chest and pointedly looked at Alex. “Alex and Sabine are nothing. And why are you butting into a very oh so private conversation?” She knew she was being sort of bitchy, but damnit, Alex was freaking her out. Majorly.

Alex, being used to the verbal insults, took it in stride by simply bestowing on Sabine a Cheshire cat smile, showing a bit of fang. Rage took one look at that sinister-slighlhy-borderline-evil-yet-hot-as-hell grin and nearly came in his pants. Still, he knew quite well that the dark and dangerous archaic dragon was totally not interested in him, and only had eyes for Sabine. Still, the green dragon couldn’t help but revel in the eye candy.

Sabine tried to be strong, she really did. It’s just that whenever Alex did something like that, he made her go melt into a puddle of orgasmic goo, just by one look. Finally, she growled lowly and pointedly turned her back on the archaic dragon who was way too hot for his own good. “Well if you aren’t going to say anything, then Rage and I are going to dance.”

Rage, being slightly caught off guard, hissed out, “Rage and you are what? Dancing? Sabine, you hate dancing - oof.” He was silenced by a sharp elbow into his ribs.

When Sabine got annoyed, or crossed in any way shape or form, she was one formidable female, no doubt about it.

Before Rage could say anything to protest, Sabine grabbed his arm and started dragging him back into the overcrowded room. As they were leaving, Sabine felt a chill go up and down her spine as Alex murmured huskily, and for her ears only, “Being defiant will only make me want you more, Sabine.”

Sabine stopped in her tracks and by the time she turned to try to attempt a comeback, Alex had disappeared from the balcony. Her eyes wide, she turned back to Rage, who was patiently waiting for his best friend to drag him elsewhere, and said in a low voice, “Ok, Alex is really really freaking me out.”

“I think that was already established, princess.” Rage pointed out sardonically, but then noted with concern that Sabine was positively shaking. Of course he would have realized that anyway, even if she hadn’t been clutching his arm in a vise grip. Still, seeing Sabine trembling like that, it was disturbing.

“You ok?” He asked, deciding this was a more serious situation than he first thought.

Sabine shook her head no. “Did… did you hear what he just said before he did the whole disappear act?”

“He said something?” Rage arched a brow. Usually he had pretty darned good hearing, so it was odd that only Sabine heard Alex speak. It must mean that Alex wasn’t just romancing Sabine.

He was staking his claim.

And Rage wasn’t so sure Sabine was ready for that sort of thing.

He was correct in his thoughts when Sabine muttered softly to herself, “Okie dokie. Obviously he is innerving me for the hell of it. I won’t lose to this stupid game he is playing.” Then she snickered evilly, “Ok, I am in so need of a drink.”

“But, you hate blood wine, and that’s basically what we have on hand.” Rage’s eyebrows shot up as Sabine let go of his arm and started marching off in the direction of the stairs. “Oh, you want tea or something like that? Sabine?”


No, what Sabine wanted was something she knew Alex hated: beer. And the only beer that they had in the house that tasted ok was locked up in Sean’s room. He kept it locked up only due to Devon’s nasty habit of swiping a couple of bottles and forgetting to pay Sean back. It just so happened that Sabine had been given a second key to the cabinet just in case Sean lost his because she wasn’t much of a beer drinker for one, and secondly because she was way more trustworthy than Devon when it came to liquor.

But, Sabine was desperate. And she figured she could always pay Sean back later. It wasn’t like she was going to get herself drunk. She should only need to drink a few sips to get the smell on her so that Alex would be repelled for the rest of the party. If she couldn’t stay away from him, then at least she could repel him by scent.

It was either that or to tell her guests to leave and lock herself in her room with nothing to do for the rest of the night besides sulk and bemoan about how rotten life was.

That didn’t seem to be an option.

However, by the time she realized she was now alone without Rage, she was at Sean’s room. Sighing in exasperation at the fact that she would have to yell at her bestie once the party was over, she quickly went into the room, being smart to look around first to ensure that she was by herself before turning and locking the door behind her. Not like that would stop Alex from breaking down the door in order to get to her, but she figured Alex was too much of a well-mannered guest to even think of doing that.

At least she hoped that was the case.

Sabine advanced into the room, not needing to turn on the lights to see where she was going. Full of purpose, she went over to one of the large Impressionist paintings and pulled a switch deftly, smiling in victory when the painting slid upwards to reveal a locked cabinet. Pulling out a key from a side compartment on one of her stiletto boots, she unlocked the cabinet.

She was about to grab out a Corona when suddenly she got a chill up and down her spine. Eyes wide, she turned and looked towards the window. She noted with dismay that she had totally forgotten about the windows not having very secure latches. That was totally Devon’s fault, due to Sabine having to go through the whole house pulling out the nails and screws on those things so they could at least open the windows once in a while. Of course, that also meant that the latches were not as secure as they once were.

She was so going to kill Devon when he got back home.

Alex looked drop dead gorgeous and dangerous, leaning up against the wall near a now open window, arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were cleverly watching her, and there was a small but distinct smirk to his lips, as if he knew exactly why she was in her brother’s room breaking into Sean’s liquor cabinet.

Damn him all to hell.

Sabine’s eyes regarded his slightly red tinged blue ones for a few minutes before she pointedly stated, “I know you are plotting something, asshole.”

The statement would have deemed pretty sarcastic and pretty brave if it had not been for the fact that it came out in a squeak. What the fuck? Sabine coughed slightly and pointedly demanded in a much firmer voice, “What is going on with you tonight, Lexie?”

Alex slightly winced at the nicknames, but recovered by stretching like a large panther. He yawned slightly, showing a quite nice set of fangs before he shrugged, “I feel in an extraordinarily good mood tonight, is that such a problem?”

“Yes it is, you ass hat!” Sabine exclaimed, not noticing that she was advancing on him, totally ignoring the fact that she was getting farther and farther away from the liquor cabinet. She glowered at Alex, “Explain to me what your game is! Why did you go and say that me being defiant made you want me more? What the hell are you thinking? What do you mean by that?”

Sabine breathed in deeply, trying to calm down. On one hand she felt like going up and strangling Alex until he gave up on this ridiculous game. On the other hand she wanted to go up and pay homage to his overly sexy body.

Alex licked his black lips and said softly, “Calm down, Sabine, and I will explain.”

The red haired exasperated female felt her eyes train on his lips and for a second she forgot what she was upset about, and then she snapped out of it and growled lowly under her breath. “I am not for claim.”

“Of course not.” Alex murmured gently, knowing that he was treading on egg shells right now. If he made Sabine too upset, then she could literally flame his ass. Knowing she was closer to him than she probably realized, he reached out and brushed her long demon red hair behind her shoulder. The action must have caught Sabine off guard, for she looked a bit puzzled.
Sabine was, indeed puzzled. If he agreed with her on not being claimable, then what was he doing… touching her hair and treating her like he was courting her? Alex’s soft voice teased her emotions as he murmured, “No creature would deserve the claiming of such a wild spirit.”

“I don’t understand.” Sabine felt herself say, and she figured that shockingly her statement was accurate. She had no idea what the hell was going on.

She regarded him warily, still trying to figure out why she was letting him touch her hair, letting him woo her… if that’s what wooing was.

Alex moved in for the kill. He advanced slightly, crowding Sabine’s hips with his own, moving into her space but not actually touching her, save the hand carding through her thick crimson black tresses. His breath teased her lips and instinctively, Sabine licked them absently. Alex watched the movement and mentally cursed. His eyes deepened to a darker red and he knew that if he lost control now, he’d lose Sabine forever. This was his one chance to ensnare her.

Alex huskily whispered, “I only meant that when you resist me so much, and fight me, it makes me want you all the more. Not want as in claiming, for as I said before, no creature deserves to claim your spirit, for it deserves to be just as it is. Free, and unbroken by anyone or anything.” He then moved in more, barely touching her lips with his own, “I crave you Sabine, not because you might be for claim, but because you hold yourself to higher standards, and you won’t back down from anything or anyone.”

Sabine at this point was lost in Alex’s web of seduction. His words were wrapping her tighter to him than she cared to admit. Still, if he didn’t shut up and kiss her pretty soon, she’d kill him. Or at least maim him for talking too much. Words were sweet and sexy, but her hormones were going all over the place. And she figured if he’d waited as long as she had for this moment, then it was about time to commence with the pleasure.

Seeing Sabine’s eyes darken was enough for him and Alex pulled her against his chest, whispering, “I can’t hold my desire for you in check any longer, Sabine.” And with that, he leaned in and kissed her deeply, shuddering at the feel of electricity roaming through his veins.

Sabine let out a husky moan, practically melting in his embrace, reveling in the fact that he felt so good, smelled so hot, tasted so sinful and delicious. It was like having lightning strike her in the most sensuous places. As his tongue delved into her mouth, Sabine couldn’t help but let herself drown in his pursuit. His tongue teased, played, and dominated hers.

He had to pull away to let them both breathe but he whispered brokenly, “Sabine…..”

That soft sound made her push him up against the wall and basically tackle him. Their kisses were fierce, and passionate, full of pent up desire and ecstasy. It was a wonder the house didn’t just explode from the fireworks going off in their veins. Alex let her be the dominant one for a few seconds before he finally took over, pushing her onto Sean’s bed, and following her soon after. In the back of his mind he found it bloody ironic that they were making out on Sean’s bed, but he couldn’t care less where they were, just as long as there WAS a bed.

Sabine mewled as Alex kissed her deeply, not being able to keep from spreading her legs and wrapping them around his long hips. God, the man had a killer body. A small part of her conscious was telling her that this was probably an insane idea, but common sense had fled as soon as Alex had first kissed her.

Oh, how long it had been since she’d felt like this? Oh that’s right. Her first mate had been a dick. So, correction. She had never felt this way before about anyone. It was dangerous, sinful, and yet oh so erotic. Alex was an addiction that would either kill her or make her insane with desire. Either way it went, she was not going to let him go, now that he was pretty much hers.

A brief thought led to what Sean might think, and she pushed the thought away, knowing damn well that he could kiss his own ass if he questioned her new tryst with Alex.

Alex growled softly as Sabine arched her hips into his, rubbing her core against his hot arousal. The only thing separating his cock from her wet, hot pussy was his pleather pants and her long gothic skirt and black lace underwear. Sabine was totally intoxicated, and it seemed like Alex was as well.

Alex entwined his hands with hers as he continued to drug her with deep soul drenching kisses before he let them go and pulled her more tightly against him so he could shallowly thrust against her. Sabine moaned and delved her hands through his long, silky black hair, feeling as if she was in a pool of nothing but orgasmic goo. Her body was tingling everywhere and every time his fingers touched her face or hips to hold her close, she felt fire go through her.

Alex finally pulled away from her lips to kiss her chin and suckle on her neck. Sabine gasped as she felt his fangs graze her skin. It felt so good, her eyes closed and she let out a small cry as he thrust against her with more sense of purpose. Alex growled when she tugged on his hair, but she was too lost in the sea of eroticism to much notice.

And when his fangs pierced her skin, all she could think of was how good it felt, and how much she wanted to do the same thing to him. She felt sparks fly through the back of her eyelids as she came hard against him, arching her back and screaming out her ecstasy. Alex shuddered against her and started moving faster, his thrusts getting harder and more erratic. His tongue lapped at her blood, reveling in the sweet tang of her essence, knowing he should stop feeding, but not being able to.

It seemed he wouldn’t have to stop, at least not until he was spent, for Sabine growled in her throat and bit down hard on his exposed neck, still quaking from her recent climax. As his blood filled her mouth, Sabine moaned at the exotic taste. She never had been one for blood, especially since her family was vegan by nature. But, all of them had to have some blood due to their half vampire like nature. And Sabine usually got it from a blood bank. But that sort of blood was nothing on Alex’s. It tasted rich and spicy, and so addictive.

Alex let out a desperate growl as he body seized up in ecstasy, cumming in his pants and collapsing against Sabine. Moaning softly, he let himself give into a few moments of bliss before he noted that Sabine was no longer feeding, but was stroking his long hair. It was a bit soothing, but Alex was not the type of dragon to fall asleep after one orgasm. He stretched slightly and nuzzled Sabine’s shoulder, noting that the fang marks on her neck were fast fading. Good. He knew that if he had left marks, Sabine would have killed him.

She might be his for now, but she still had her spying to do, and that meant getting idiot government peeps to believe she was unclaimed, or untainted. Sabine mumbled softly, “Sean is going to kill me.”

Alex chuckled but sat up so he could look into her eyes a bit easier. “I doubt that. More like he would kill me. You are his baby sister.”

Sabine shook her head a bit dazedly before she sighed softly, “Mmmm I can take care of myself. He knows this.”

Alex laid back down and pulled her into his arms, not minding it when she resumed stroking his hair. “It still doesn’t change the fact that you are his baby sister.”

“True.” She thought for a moment and then shrugged, “All we really did was feed. We didn’t fuck our brains out or anything.”

“Yet.” Alex whispered with a small knowing smirk.

“Damn.” Sabine muttered.

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