1. Imagine you had ten kids, five boys and five girls, what would you call them::
A)Girls- Caroline, Molly, Shannon, Allison, and Sarah (the last few were random :) )
B)Boys- Jacob, James, Josh, Benjamin, and Owen (see above)
2. Do you have braces, if so, have you ever gotten your toothbrush stuck in your braces?:: I had them on my top teeth. Does such a thing happen though?
3. Have you ever broken a mirror and acutally had seven years bad luck?:: Ask me five monthes ago and I'd probably say "I must have and not noticed or something." But I think my luck is better than ever now.
4. Have you ever found buried treasure (money, trinkets, civil war artifacts etc.)?:: I wish. I take that back, I've found treasure.. ;-)
5. Have you ever had your teeth knocked out due to an accident?:: Nah.
6. If you could, would you make the days shorter or longer?:: Longer. (as long as it isn't a day I'm working).
7. Do you believe the statement, "You can't love if you are never shown love?" I'd imagine it'd be hard to love someome without knowing what it is.
8. What do you think of the joke "What comes after six?" "Seven eight nine"?:: Is this supposed to be funny? I'm a just missing the joke?
9. When you were little, did you have a fear of clowns?:: Nah. Tim had a damn crappy picture of a clown in his bedroom though.
10. Do make up random words?:: Sometimes, but usually just from my mispronuciation of existing words. :-D
11. At what age do you think you’ll get married?:: Whenever it feels right, I guess. I'm only 21 though.
12. Have you ever been walking under an apple tree and been hit in the head by a falling apple?:: Quite possibly with the amount apple trees at my old house, but I can't think of any specific examples.
13. Name five good personality traits you have?:: friendly, caring, open-minded, good listener, & generally a hard worker <- Stolen from Jenn
14. Name three bad personality traits you have?:: I'm a worrywort, probably a bit too selfish, and I'm pretty shy.
15. Do you like taking photographs?:: Yep.
16. Have you ever lost your family in wal-mart or another large store?:: Lost in a Wal-mart? Don't even want to think about it. *shudders*
17. Do you enjoy watching Family Guy?:: The episodes that I've seen were pretty funny.
18. What morals & values do you hold dear and strong?:: I guess "Treat others the way you would like to be treated" would define my values pretty well.
19. Have you ever had a boyfriend, if so, who?:: :-o
20. If you had to give your dreams a rating, what would you rate them:: Que?
21. Have you ever been skydiving or bungee jumping?:: No, I think I'd pee my pants. What a wuss I am.
22.Do you play any sports?:: I miss playing sports competively, especially soccer.
23. Imagine the world was going to end and you were selected to be one of only 500 people to be saved. You have to pick one person of all the people you know to be your mate, who do you pick?:: WTF?
24. What kind of books do you enjoy reading the most?:: Interesting ones.
25. Pick any three tv/cartoon or book characters and choose two traits you share with them,
I'll save this question for later.
25. What would you do if you had a million dollars with no tax deductions?:: Hmmm. College payments, buy a place of my own, donations, the list goes on and on.
26. What do you have on your walls in your room?:: Paint. I haven't put a single thing on the walls in the year since I moved to my current house. How boring? lol
27. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live. Is it in the country or the city?:: Someplace slow, but with a semi-decent sized city nearby.
28. Have you ever played Laser Tag?:: Many times.
29. Do you have any autographed items?:: Not many, but a few. My favorite is probably a Jim Kelly picture.
30. Have you ever seen anyone die?:: No.
31. Are you cold natured, warm natured or normal?:: Depends who the people around me are. Generally warm natured though my shyness may make me seem cold.
32. Are you Pessimistic or Opptimistic?:: I try my best to be optmistic.
33. Do you have a motto, famous quotes or a saying about life?:: "Don't worry, be happy" ;-)
34. Name five things you want to do during your life?:: This is one of biggest issues currently. I just don't know. I just know I want to be successful in whatever I decide I want to do, have a good home life, do a lot of traveling, and while I don't need do anything earth-shattering, it would be nice if people I come into contact with during the course of my life remember my kindness/goodness.
35. If you could travel to any four countries, where would you go and why?::
A) Greece ... I'm just fascinated by the ancient history of the area.
B) Italy ... "'cause it would be fun to go with somebody ;)"
C) England/Ireland
D) Germany ... A big part of my heritage.
36. If you could have any job or do anything as a career with no work, what would you do?:: A professional athlete or a career which I could have a positive effect on the world.
37. What book has impacted you the most and why?:: I'm horrible. I'm not quite sure.
38. Name three talents you have?:: I can play the piano (note: I didn't say well), the food I make generally turns out well, I "know" Anicent Attic Greek.
39. Did you ever get into the Beanie Baby craze?:: lol. No.
40. What do you want to major in?:: My major is History.
41. What is most important to you in life?:: Being happy.
42. Does your close/immediate family life near you or far from you?:: Near.
43. Do you have more DVD’s or VHS tapes? :: DVDs
44. How many CD’s do you have?:: My of my current ones are burned. I used to have a lot, but they were stolen a few years back.
45. What’s the highest grade you’ve ever received?:: Eh? Grade school, high school, college? C'mon now.
46. Do you enjoy Stephen King’s novels?:: Haven't read any, actually.
47. Are you a sports fan or anti-sports?:: I like sports way too much probably.
48. Fast food or a home cooked meal?:: Generally home cooked.
49. Are you organized or disorganized?:: Very disorganized.
50. What’s your favorite type of Flower?:: Don't really have one, lol.
51. If you could automatically learn five lanugauges, what would you learn?::
A) Ancient Attic Greek
B) German
C) Modern Greek
D) Spanish
E) Italian
52. Do you have a temper or are you calm and collected?:: I'm generally cool and collected. On rare occasion, I can lose it (most of the times I do lose it are when I'm bowling).
53. Have you ever thought of guitars as a weapon?:: Okay?
54. What is your favorite Video Game System?:: Does my old Mac count?
55. What’s the most amount of money you’ve found on the ground?:: Not sure. I found a quarter at work the other day though!
56. What’s the biggest prize you’ve ever won?:: I don't know, but I won a $25 gift card to Applebee's at work the other day.
57. What type of music do you enjoy listening to?:: I'm not too too picky. :) It usually some from of rock though.
58. If you could be reincarnated as anyone, what would you be like and why?:: Maybe myself. I can try to do over the things I messed up in this life.
59. Name two things you are obessed with?:: Jenn (if you can consider love an obession) and Diet Pop
60. Do you spend more time with your family or friends?:: Jenn. :)
61. Do you eat all three meals of the day?:: Yeah, just about always.
62. Do you get the right amount of sleep everynight or less than required?:: Probably less. I haven't slept all that well the past couple weeks for some reason.
63. If you could be trapped on an island for six months and you can only have eight people living on the island with you, who do you pick and why::
A) Jenn
B) Colin
C) Kristen
D) Tim
E) I'm done, I guess.
64. Is there any food you can’t go a week without eating?:: Pizza
65. What’s the most amount of soda you’ve ever drank in a 24 hour period?:: Probably too much. And it's pop.
66. What clothing style do you wear?:: My style. Casual, I guess.
67. When you were a kid, did your parents ever eat lunch with you?:: On the weekends, I'm sure they did.
68. Have you ever seen a famous person in an airport?:: Never been to an airport.
69. What does your handwriting look like?:: Crappy. :)
70. If you could have any superpower what power would you want to have?:: flight or invisiblity <- Stolen from Jenn.
71. What animal do you think you are most like and why?:: Again, wtf?
72.Have you ever committed any traffic violations, if so, were you caught?:: I speed slightly probably everyday. Haven't been caught yet though *knock on wood*
73. What were the best years of your life?:: I'm enjoying my current situation in life.
74.Have you ever lied about your age or weight?:: If so, not purposely.
75. What genre of movies do you enjoy?:: Comedies, Horror, Suspense.
76. Have you ever rode a horse, pony or elephant?:: Horse
77. Name an embarassing moment you have:: I'm a walking embarassment! :-D
78. What church do you attend?:: Good Sheperd in Pendleton, but I haven't gone too much lately.
79. What drives and inspires you? The things I want for later in life.
80.If you could relive any five moments in your life, what would they be?::
A) Any moment I spend with Jenn
B) All my soccer and football games.
C) My 8th grade year.
D) Canoe trip in Canada.
E) Backyard football with my cousins.
81. What is something you regret doing?:: Things happen for a reason. Maybe the candy bar I ate during my break this afternoon? lol
82. A random fact about you?:: I've never broken a bone.
83. Do you laugh easily or do you generally keep a straight face?:: I laugh pretty easily.
84. Do you enjoy Caffine, soda's, coffee or energy drinks?:: I drink way too much diet pop. I drink tea when up late with school stuff.
85. If you had to live off a food for a solid week, which food do you think you could live off?:: Pizza
86. If you could know the answer to any question in the world, what would you ask and why?:: Why can't a Buffalo sports team win a major championship.
87. Do you have any secrets you'll take with you to the grave?:: Not that I know of.
88. Have you ever had any dreams in a foregin lanugage?:: Nah.
89. How often do you pray?:: Not too often anymore. I have hope, dreams and wishes for the world that I often think of though.
90. What is your favorite era entertainment wise?:: The 90s thus far.
91. What is your favorite Disney song?:: "Hakuna mat-tah" (spelling?
92. Have you ever met an important political figure like a mayor or the president?:: Nobody too important.
93. Do you wear any jewelry or assesories?:: Nothing too important. I used to wear my high school class ring, but not any longer.
94. Do you like working in the yard?:: Depends on the weather and what I'm doing.
95. Are you a leader or a follower?:: A little of both.
96. If you could have any kind of hairstyle, what would you get and why?:: A Brad Pitt buzz? I don't know, lol
97. If you could master any talent, what would you want to master and why?:: Become the next Pele, or learn to play my guitar.
98. What is your favorite newspaper comic strip?:: i used to like the Boondocks, but I haven't read the comics in ages.
99. Have you or would you ever consider hitchhiking?:: Nah.
100. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?:: Mine is already awesome.