Simming meme (oh yes!), taken from
Q: How long does your game take to load?
A: It takes about 45-50 minutes for everything to load. I know, I know. :(
Q: When making a Sim, what do you prefer adult male/adult female, teen male, teen female?
A: Young adult males and females. They all kinda start in college.
Q: How long does your Body Shop take to open?
A: 15 minutes, because I take out all non-BS content from Downloads.
Q: Do you make more Sims in CAS or in body shop?
A: Bodyshop, it has more sculpting options.
Q: Whats your favorite hair color to put on your sims?
A: It depends, however I do have a lot of Sims with brown hair at the moment.
Q: How many babies have your Sims ever had from one set of parents?
A: Four. Some Family Sim wanted to have kids, the hood was still young, so I let her. That was one of my big mistakes.
Q: How often do you experience a glitch?
A: They're rare. I have a strange doorbell jump bug which drives me insane.
Q: Do you make your sims, straight/gay/bi/lesbian, very often?
A: Again, it depends. If there are more male Sims, some of them are definitely going to be gay and vice versa. But still, my previous hood generation spawned equal number of males/females, and yet I made a few gay and lesbian couples just because I shipped them really hard.
Q: Does your neighborhood have a theme?
A: Nope, it's nothing special.
Q: How many downloads do you have in your game?
A: Around 13 gigs.
Q: Who is your favorite CC body shop creator (meaning: skins, eyes, hair, make-up etc.)?
A: Now, now, now. Amaryll, Kayleigh, Yuichen, Gelydh, Aikea, Yuxi, Mouseyblue, Evanesco, Nymphy, Pooklet, Azaya, Almighty Hat, Nilou, Goat, Needlecream, Jessy, Aelia, Io, MissTiikeri, Jacci, Jessi, Ja, Trapping... Seriously - the whole motherfucking GoS!
Q: Who is your favorite CC creator for build and buy?
A: Adele, Buggy, Yuxi, Lalabubus, CuriousB, Psychosim, Ghanima, Evanesco, Aikea, Gelydh, Jessy, AlfredAskew, Pixelhate, Pescado? Pescado!, Moune, Guatla, Piggi, freaking lord, they're too many. Don't get mad if I missed some of you.
Q: How often do you play the Sims?
A: Once a week or so. But when I start the game, I forget to turn it off.
Q: Do you watch Sims machinama?
A: Eh, no. Only for the lulz, The Worst Sim Movies style and such.
Q: Do you read stories/comics made with the Sims?
A: Deception Pass and Electorate were my favourites, but that's about it. :(
Q: What expansion packs do you have?
A: Uni, NL and Celebrations.
Q: What are you views on building and decorating?
A: I'm often too lazy. Sometimes I build five houses in the same style and never play them. I prefer to log into MTS, download starters and redecorate them, or browse web for cool house floor plans.
Q: What is some body shop CC that you tend to over use?
A: Pooklet's sclera and black nail polish. Honestly, even kids use it. :X
Q: How often do you need to use “Familyfunds”?
A: No, I use Pescado's Moneyorder.
Q: Do you like doll Sims?
A: No, can't say I like them in my game.
Q: Have you ever killed your Sim(s) for the fun of it?
A: Not for the fun, to save my sanity!
Q: How old are you? And When did you start playing?
A: I'm 25, turning 26 in November (can't wait /sarcasm), and I've been playing since 2000 or 2001. I was 16 then.
Q: Do you ever base a Sims family after your own home life?
A: Um, I have my Selfsim, but she's not fun to play with. I can't wait 'till she dies. (Oh, I will kill her, wait and see.)