Challenge # 7

Sep 12, 2009 21:44

Word Association

This challenge is a bit different from the tradtional word association contests on LJ.  You have to pick a word and find a picture of Josh that best fits that word. To explain more clearly, you choose a word (like 'happiness'), and then find a picture of Josh that you think best fits the word.  But it HAS to be a picture of JOSH.  NO ONE ELSE! =)  Notice I said NO ONE else, but I did NOT say noTHING else, which means animals and inanimate objects are allowed. ;-)

I hope I've explained it clearly!


- You can use your own pictures
     - You can submit up to TWO (2) icons
- All effects are allowed, EXCEPT animation!
- No premade icons!
- Icons must conform to LJ standards (100x100, 40 KB)
- Post your icon and a link to your icon in a comment to this entry
- Entries are due by Friday, October 2nd @ MIDNIGHT, CST
- Please tell me somewhere in your comment what words you've chosen!
- Any questions or problems feel free to let me know! =D


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