Jan 14, 2009 22:01
We had a round of lay offs at work today.
The office of 8 will be the office of four at the end of January.
One person took another job mid-December.
50% reduction of work force.
I've only had the house long enough to make 2 mortgage payments.
I was one of the "lucky four".
No raise, no bonus, but at least I still have a job.
My 40-60 hour work weeks will probably hit a 60-70 hour average over the next 2-3 months.
I know that I bust ass at work, and my job can not be done by someone at the parent company.
I want to be happy that I still have a job, but I feel guilty when I do.
Four people I work with, four friends, 1/2 of the people I interact with for 40+ hours a week will no longer be there.