Apr 24, 2006 17:44
Well i have a live journal mostly because i have so many fun things that happen to me daily and i always forget them so i need some place to write them down. And of course whats a funny story without some people to be an audience to it. I mean just telling stories all day to your friends will get you punched and telling them to yourself will get locked into a serta walled room. mmm, its fun to bouce off those walls though! *bounce bounce* WHEEEEEE!!!!!
Lets see, intro to me... i have moved all my life because of the military and kind of have some issues socially because of that. Thanks to my recent girlfriend though, much progress has been made(thank you Em)*smiles twice as big as regular smile*, ahh it feels good to be thought of as normal... (J/k) I am now graduating from high school and am preparing to go to k-state. weeeee... I am not to fond of it considering that the whole place is focused on football. and those who aren't concerned about football only care about other sports... ugh... so the education abilities are zip, but thats okay because i only am going for the ROTC so i can get a degree and get paid aswell as get a nice pay start my three activeduty years. And yes they are manditory. i think thats enough. you really don't need to know about anything else, (its none of the world's business!) but it is cool enough for you to know i have lived in most of Europe, and new jersey. I suggest a trip to Europe instead of new jersey. Yep, unless your into the whole chernoble thing, than stay away from New Jersey.
Okay, its story time! yeah! i love it! Well i always drive up a hill to school in the morning and there are these really big trees on both sides right, well every year they deposit those helicopter whirly gig things all over the place. I mean it is worse than the leaves in autumn. so here i go driving up the hill not expecting anything to go wrong when bam! a huge storm of whirly gigs hits my car! i put on the windsheild whipers but more just kept comeing. I was like one of those sand storms in the desert. It actually got dark in my car! this lasted for anywhere from five to ten seconds. i don't know, time is different in a whrily gig storm.
In related stories i also one time was driving on iced roads and was caught in after school traffic because our lot has only three exits for 1500 driving teenagers. I don't think they planned that one out so well. So i decided to drive down a back dirt road that is hidden by some bushes that are left to grow wild. Anyone who knows anything about any good story knows that now its that ice+non maintaned roads only = Trouble. Or in this case a downhill slide that left me high and centered ontop of a one foot tall, four foot, by four foot ROCK! I had to get a tow truck that almost got taken out itself on that road. But now thanks to my accident and the one hundred and fifty dollar towing cost that road now gets salted in the winter. HurraH! one scarifice to save the few idiots like me. yay...
With my first post i would like to close with a saying i once heard from someone close...
Never spit into the wind unless you are prepared to duck! That actually save me on a spining ride once, thanks my love!
A sign off with a Salute to the US Armed forces all over the world and those who have died for their nation. TEN- HUT! *Salutes*
(by the way, grn, stands for green, its shorter, and those who don't get the reference, shell out fifty bucks to get halo, or atleast 15 to get one of the books!)
-Green gots to go!
these faces are funny!