Feb 05, 2008 13:00
I am BEYOND pissed off.
Stupid Mitt Romney telemarketers have been calling me - on my cell phone, which is my only phone - for WEEKS. And I've been crazy enough to answer (five times), in hopes that they'll take me off their calling list.
Alas, it appears that there are multiple telemarketing companies calling for Mitt Romney's campaign.
It never ends. I even tried calling the national (MR campaign) office - which was a long-distance phone call from my CELL PHONE.
No luck so far. Got another call today.
Eleven calls to date. Eleven. I can't get any of the callers to tell me what company they work for.
- How can I make a complaint to the BBB if I don't know which company is/may be at fault?
- And how can I tell if I'm off their calling list if they won't tell me their company name? I have NO IDEA how to tell if they're actually taking me off the lists - only their word that they'll stop calling me.... which doesn't seem to have worked so far.
Even if I had given thought to voting for MR (which I didn't - ever) - I wouldn't vote for him now if you paid me a kajillion dollars.
Ptooey. Stoopid politicians.