Jul 20, 2005 11:15
So work sucks when it's busy, and it's been busy as hell. I'm taking a break now, even though there's a shitload of tests for me to run, because if I don't take a break right now, I'll go mental. Or mental-er as the case may be. Speaking of mental patients, my roomie has decided she needs to marry a Jew. Because he will most likely be rich and won't mind supporting her while she acts like a spoiled little princess. She however, is not Jewish. She's half anglo-mutt, half Sierra Leonian (is that right?) and Catholic like most Catholics (ie, no attendance required!) But this has not stopped her from joining a Jewish singles website. Yep, she's dating online masquerading as a Jewish American Princess. This is possibly the most psychotic thing anyone I know has ever done. It's amusing, and she makes me feel very well-adjusted and secure. That's partially why I keep her around. Also, I can't find another roomie, can't yet afford a place by myself, and she's really not that bad a roomie, she's pretty neat and considerate overall. My sister is getting ready to go to SLU in the fall, after spending a year finding herself at community college, which she definitely needed. I think taking classes at SWIC has given her a much-needed ego boost. She finally realizes that she is actually smart. She's going to be living in Marguerite, and has started buying stuff for her room, (but not too much, cause she kinda wants to get there and see what else she will need, which is a good idea). My mom's car died. I think she's going to bury it in the backyard next to Honey the cat. Chris and I are doing well, I am really excited for our vacation! September is closer every day!