your life is livin' a lie.

Mar 02, 2006 09:08

Say Anything was motherfucking amazing. You know it ended up that a lot of folks paid at the door. Ugh. But yeah HIGHLIGHTS!

-Fucking telling Max Bemis how untouchable he is as an artist.
-Rachel from the Real World back to NY was there.
-Meeting some really nice bro-hems outside, one of them was actually really cute.
-Getting to sing wa da da wa da da wa da da da da daaaaa and fucking mean it.
-they played ADMIT IT!!!

I know I say this a lot. But one of the best shows ever seriously. I am never missing them again anytime they come back here. i'm so glad that he's okay and can tour again and not only for my own selfish purposes but also b/c the man's fucking incredible and he deserves all the exposure anyone can get with or without that band.

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