Dec 24, 2004 16:06
Name? caitlyn..cait...caitness...caitcait...cait mitch..moose..yup, i think that covers it
Age? 17!today! happy birthday to me! :)
Height? 5’2 a midget
Hair Colour? dirty blonde, yo
Eye Colour? green...grayish..blueish..with ahint of brown?
What's your school mascot? mules, representin! hahaah oh god.shoot me now. please
School colour(s)? red, black, and white
GPA? oh god. next!
Who is your favourite teacher? proulx dog. man i miss him! :(
What do they teach? geometry. and hopefully pre-calc next year!!
Is this your favourite class? culinary, of course
Do you use any instant messengers? oh you know it
If so, which ones? AIM and msn
About how many hours a day do you spend online? usually only one...grounded=time limit
Do you have a digital camera? yupp! i used my moms before. but i got one for my bday
If so, do you post pictures of yourself online? no..but only because i JUST got my camera :D
Do you play any instruments? see below answer
If so, what one(s)? umm..does my voice count?no?
3 favourite genres of music? errr...basically anything except a) oldies b) classical c) country
3 favourite bands? the used, tbs, my chemical romance
Do you go to concerts &/or shows? yeah. a lot of local bands. tms h4h wOOt! haha
What's the most you've ever spent on a concert/show? err..70?
What's the least you've ever spent?! :) gotta love those crossing shows
Do you think buying merch at a concert & wearing it there is corny? sorta, yeah
Do you listen to any bands you'd be ashamed to admit to? never. i like what i like, get over it
Blue- uhh..ocean?
Camera- seeing spots (flash, eyes, 'AHH! im blind!' )
Boy- fun ;)
Pretty- in pink
Pants- off please :-X
Music- life
God- my hero heh heh
Sweater- comfy
LiveJournal- the thing to to. duhh
MTV- yo yo yo. word. :p
Do you think labels are dumb? yeah. people should just let people be whatever, and not label them. theres one i particularly hate though. poser. i mean, if theyre just being themself, how is that being a "poser" ?!
What do people label you as? oOoh. got it. told you! i do this thing backwards! jeesh! umm..i dont think i really have a label? although some REAL cool people consider me a 'typical high school girl' ignorant bastard. :)
How/why did you get this label? what label?
Physical pain/emotional pain? Emotional pain..physical pain eventually goes away
Blink 182/Good Charlotte? Good charlotte
Being deaf/being blind? deaf, definitely. i would die if i couldnt listen to music. or peoples voices/laughing.
Losing your dominant leg/losing your dominant arm? umm..leg..i dont want a limp!again!
Do you believe there's a difference between 'love' & 'in love'? definately
Is it better to have loved & lost than never to have loved at all? well, when that love finally comes, ill let you know, but until then, i have nothing to compare it to.
Are you romantic? im a hopeless romantic...sad enough
Are you in a relationship now? i get it. nope
If so, for how long? how long for what?
If not, how long have you been single?too long :/
What song describes your love life right now? if there was a song out there about having a non-existant love life, then THAT would be it!
War, good or bad? bad. innocent people die. thats just not necesarry!
What do you think of designer labels? why do they have to be so damn expensive?! hmph
Who's skankier, Britney Spears or Paris Hilton? no doubt. paris hilton. just cause her family owns a hotel or whatever, doesnt mean she can get away with looking like one of the hookers outside the hotel!!
Do you sing? ...guilty [blushes]
If so, what part (soprano 1, alto 2, etc) anything and everything
Kiss or hug? both can be just as wonderful
How old is your mom? 40
Black & white or colour photos? color. the world would be so darn boring in just black and white. no variety!
Who cuts your hair? whoevers available. and if they have a spiffy haircut themself...thats always a plus
What colour is your toothbrush? clear and blue. but what does that have to do with anything?
What colour is your hair brush? pink/white
What kind of hair products do you use? umm...shampoo?conditioner?a brush?
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart? is there even a k-mart around here?
Are you sexy? hmm..ive been told that. but....ill leave that for others to decide
What colour do people tell you looks nice on you? blue, green, pink...?
What colour do you think looks nice on you? blue?...maybe?
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping? durr ..clothes
Who do you sit with at lunch? all my awesomely nifty sophomore buds
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back? ahh! my voice! blech!
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know? hmm. good question. god, now im gonna go around trying to listen to peoples voices. damn this thing!
What is the website for one of your favourite bands? :p
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you? older guys tend to catch my eye.......
Do you listen to songs on repeat often? depends. has to be a REALLLLY good one
Who was the last person you hung out with? sean :)
What did you & that person do? i dunno. like i said, i answer these things backwards
Do you use Internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", etc)? ..yes. but not so bad that i actually say it outloud! ..unlike SOME people!
Are you a people-pleaser? i think thats my biggest flaw. i try too hard sometimes
Do you dye your hair regularly? nope. mines alllll natural
What about your eyebrows? pluck them. want to wax them. scared of the pain. should keep up with them better
Do you wear make-up? eyeliner. mascara. chapstick. blush. um, i think that about covers it. does nail polish count?! wait. no. makeup..for your face. durr
If you answered yes above, are you female? im female.but i do these things end to beginning
Do you buy CDs edited or unedited? unedited
Can you beatbox? pshh...who cant?! heh heh
Does your mum like the song 'Hey Ya' by OutKast? oh god. my mom. tries to sing anything and EVERYTHING! ahh! run!