
Oct 24, 2008 01:00 I've been sick the last couple days. And I literally haven't left the apartment in 3 days. I am actually looking forward to entering fresh air again. I bet it's mostly psychosomatic. I am under a extreme amount of stress. Not just school work - I have 3 essay assignments due, plus my internship, Jenn's birthday etc...I am overwhelmed. And I am constantly trying to deal with this irritating bug floating around inside my head.

What the fuck am I doing in law school? I hate every second of it. It's complicated, snooty, the pressure is indescribable....I feel like I've entered this foreign world where I am learning I don't fit in. Seriously. Everyone else seems to know exactly what they plan on doing. I certainly don't have a clue what to do with my degree. I think I should drop out. But that seems an impossible option. No one would really understand, my parents would be flabbergasted, dumbfounded and severely disappointed. I've also already wracked up enough debt to save a small country. I don't think I can quit, I don't have it in me to quit. But let's face it, I am not the most talented at it, I got into a mediocre law school with a less than mediocre LSAT score and job prospects are not great.

I certainly am not enjoying the fact that I have 2 3/4 years of this left. And if I did quit, what would I do? Social work? Writer? Business owner? *sigh* No easy answers. I just want to get out of this country.
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