I hate being ill ....
Well, I've actually been off work since last Tuesday.
I came down with the shakes and high tempreature on Monday night after feeling relatively ok all day.
And it got worse ... Full blown flu .... and there was me thinking what I had a week or 2 earlier was a good dose of Flu ....
Now I know that most pf you females will think I am a typical bloke about saying how bad it was, but it was bad ...
I also have the problem of getting very bad sinus infections when I come down with heavy colds .. and this just made it worse. I have some strong Anti-biotics from the Doctor (obtained on Thursday) but i am stuggling with them.
The main problem is that I haven't eaten properly since Monday tea-time.
The most I can manage is half a bowl of cereal or soup ... and more than that and I am sick.
So ... I am off to the Doc's again in a bit to see if he has any suggestions.
I have to go back in tomorrow as my self-certify note runs out after today .... but all I want to do is curl up and sleep.
Perhaps I will feel happier later :-(