So, I have never in my Glee watching life yelled No Kurt! Leave! Santana and Rachel were having a moment and then when interrupted they just retreated to their corners and re-entrenched themselves in opposing views. Sadface. But, there is certainly hope. And, now I could see Elliot moving into the loft, because his rent is so high.
There were parts of this episode I could have done without and parts I loved and on balance there was more I loved. Starting with full on Diva (victim) tsunami Rachel and Elliot just trying to hold on in her wake. Then, both Santana and Rachel trying to claim Elliot. I was hoping the whole thing would pull E and K closer but there was a minute there that I was scared this was Elliot's exit... but phew! Crisis averted (I hope I hope I hope...)!
The McKinley Trio was cute, sweet but slightly forgettable. I like my Blaine as a Kurt side dish I think, and I have a really hard time buying him as at all urban. And, the Sam/Tina possibility ship has long ago sailed but I have to admit the boob talk cracked me up for some reason. I think there mostly there to remind up that the year is ending, soon. And, also, Tina being utterly labile also, for whatever reason, also cracked me up, taken in with Sam and Blaine falling over themselves to keep her from crying.
Finally, the music. I swear sometimes I think people have run through my 45 collection when they pick the music.
Still feeling good about this season....